1) Different options, but name the chopper helo.
- Write in every units init: this moveincargo helo
- Write in only group leaders init: {_x moveincargo helo} foreach units group this
You might want to also write: [this] ordergetin true
or {[_x] ordergetin true} foreach units group this
Otherwise the units don't really "know" they are in the chopper.
2) Make sure the unit has "space" for this weapon, or you'll have to remove another weapon to make space.
- Write in units init: this addweapon "NVgoggles"
Good luck and study the really useful COMREF for a lot of good information.
It will have the answers to most of your questions, just make sure you choose OFP commands.
New commands where added in ArmA, but they will not work in OFP.
http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php Laggy