I am no help here cause I have a similar problem.. Been at this for 4 days now... scripting for 4 days... so be kind to me.
Like dale here I need AI to respawn, but I want the AI being respawned to be playable slots not filled by players during mp maps. The normal respawn in the description.sqs would work but I want it to be controlled by a radio trigger activated by the player... but only effect respawn of AI playable units..
Sounds complicated but this is the simple version or, for right now, all I need help with...
I need a way of basically doing this:
Winf1 setdamage 0;
lol sounds easy... This works fine on vehicals... but not on playable infantry. or.. atleast I can't get it to work. Most of what I have found in the forums is talking about nonplayable units.
This is what I have looped through the entire squad on both sides:
?! isFormationLeader player : goto "leader";
? (winf1 == player) : goto "w2";
?alive winf1: goto "w2";
winf1 setdamage 0;
winf1 setPos [getPos player select 0, getPos player select 1, getpos player select 2];
[winf1] join player;
goto "exit";
? (winf2 == player) : goto "w3";
? (alive winf2) : goto "w3";
winf2 setdamage 0;
winf2 setPos [getPos player select 0, getPos player select 1, getpos player select 2];
[winf2] join player;
goto "exit";
ignoring any issues you may see besides the "setdamage 0" line what am I doing wrong? How this currently behaves is a dead guy that appears under my feet upon activation of the radio command. every now and then he is alive just for a second and in the group.. but then dead again 1/2 second later.
In regards to Dale I was flirting with just creating the new units on the radio trigger. I don't have the command lines I was using but it was centered around the createunit command there is also creategroup and createvehicle. You will need a list of unit, vehicle, and group names. here is a link to the command I looked at.
http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=details&id=85for the unit and vehical names:
http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_WeaponsI think most of it is there.. if not it will get you started. As far as the parachuting in... I haven't a clue. I am going to assume you would first have to equip them each with a parachute and then use the whole setpos array in a way that effects elevation?
but I am guessing.
Anyway dale lol if I helped at all I DEMAND a merit badge!!