The number of people who truly comprehend this can probably be counted on the fingers of one hand. I don't include myself in that select group.
Since this relates to VBS2, you may get more assistance in the ArmA sections, having more scripting functions than old Operation Flashpoint (OFP).
Question: do you really need to define all four corners of the square? Just specifying the top left corner and knowing the side length ought to suffice, as long as you don't mind the squares being orientated North-South and East-West.
OFP can handle multidimensional arrays, but I don't know to how many levels they can be nested.
MDA = [[0,0],[1,0],[0,1],[1,1]]
Thus MDA contains four elements, accessed as follows:
TopLeft = MDA select 0
TopLeftX = TopLeft select 0
TopLeftY = TopLeft select 1
Output: 0, 0
or, for example,
TopRight = MDA select 1
hint format ["Top Right X %1 Y %2", TopRight select 0, TopRight select 1]
Output: 1, 0