I heard about this myself - major major suckage
On the other hand, I think ofp.info still has most, if not all, of the bigger old OFP addons hosted, so OFP as a whole should be pretty "safe" with that in mind - as long as you can manage trawling through all the popups in the ofp.info site
OFPEC is sadly not a traditional hosting site à la ArmAHolic/ArmedAssault.info(/OFP.info), so parking a lot of mods here wouldn't really be the appropriate thing to do I think. However feel very free to trawl through filefront and find as many links to addons you fear might be lost otherwise - if nothing else, someone who does have the space and time to download them can do so before the death of filefront, upon which it can be discussed what to do with them.
As mentioned though, I'm pretty confident most old OFP-era addons can be found at ofp.info - besides, I believe most of the really big modders are still active (either doing OFP or ArmA), and their addons are far spread and well-mirrored. But, as mentioned: if there are some gems there that aren't supported or should be saved for some reason, feel free to link to them.
As an aside: sucks so damned much FileFront is going down - now where the heck am I supposed to host all my stuff?
Wolfrug out.