I'm interesed in the blocks of code etc that can be spawned from within the script, as is done in this fine example of body armour by Wolfrug.
if (_curDam > _maxdam) then
[_unit, _dam] spawn RUG_BA_Down; if (_mode == 3) then {_unit setdamage -500};
else {_unit setdamage -5; if (_mode == 3) then {_unit setDamage -500}};
RUG_BA_Down = {
private ["_unit", "_dam", "_EH", "_mode", "_id", "_text"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_dam = _this select 1;
_EH = _unit getVariable "RUG_BA_EH";
_mode = _unit getVariable "RUG_BA_Mode";
_unit action ["eject", vehicle _unit];
if (_mode != 3) then {_unit removeEventhandler ["hit", _EH]};
if (_mode != 3) then {_unit setdamage _dam};
_unit switchmove "DeadState";
_unit setcaptive true;
_unit stop true;
_text = format ["Perform first aid on %1", _unit];
_id = _unit addAction [_text, "RUG_BodyArmor.sqf", _id, 9.8, true, true];
[_unit, _id] spawn RUG_BA_AIAction;
if (RUG_BA_Debug) then {hint format ["%1 is down!", _unit]};
_timer = [] spawn {sleep (120 + (random 15))};
if (_mode !=3) then
waitUntil {scriptDone _timer OR (damage _unit < _dam)}
waitUntil {scriptDone _timer OR (_unit getVariable "RUG_BodyArmor") == 0};
_unit removeAction _id;
_unit stop false;
if (RUG_BA_Debug) then {hint format ["%1 is back up!", _unit]};
// Checks different modes;
switch (_mode) do
case 0: {};
case 1: {//Full armor return after revival
_unit setdamage -5;
_EH = _unit addEventHandler ["hit", {_this call RUG_BA}];
_unit setvariable ["RUG_BA_EH", _EH];
_unit setVariable ["RUG_BodyArmor", 0];
case 2: {//"Medevac" mode -> unit only get their armor back after getting fully healed
_unit spawn
waitUntil {damage _this == 0};
_this setdamage -5;
_EH = _this addEventHandler ["hit", {_this call RUG_BA}];
_this setvariable ["RUG_BA_EH", _EH];
_this setVariable ["RUG_BodyArmor", 0];
case 3: {
_unit setdamage -500;
_unit setVariable ["RUG_BodyArmor", 0];
_unit switchMove "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
_unit setcaptive false;
Now here's the hole thing so you can see...
//RUG_BodyArmor by Wolfrug (www.ofpec.com)
//Calling: [UnitName, Mode, MaxDam] execVM "RUG_BodyArmor.sqf"
//UnitName : Name of unit, can be 'this' in the init field, or _x if used with foreach
//Mode : 0, 1, 2 or 3.
//0 = Once armor is depleted, it can never be recharged (except by calling the script again).
//1 = Armor returns fully after each revival
//2 = Armor returns fully once unit has been fully healed after revival
//3 = Armor is never depleted: unit can be knocked down but not killed (except by scripting)
//MaxDam : Must be a number less than 0: determines total body armor. -1 = 3 total, -2 = 6 total etc.
//Note : due to the usage of eventhandlers, you should avoid calling this script more than once on any unit!
//Enjoy! - Wolfrug
//Set this to false to disable the hints!
RUG_BA_Debug = true;
private ["_unit", "_mode", "_dam"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_mode = _this select 1;
_dam = _this select 2;
if ((count _this) > 3) exitWith {_this call RUG_BA_Action};
//Inits script
if (_dam < 0) exitWith
if (isNil "RUG_BA") then
RUG_BA = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "RUG_BodyArmor.sqf";
RUG_BA_Action = {
private ["_unit", "_caller", "_id", "_mode"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;
_mode = _unit getVariable "RUG_BA_Mode";
if (((_unit distance _caller) > 3 && _unit == Player) OR _unit == _caller) exitWith {};
if ((_unit distance _caller) > 3 && _caller !=Player) then
_caller doMove (getpos _unit);
waitUntil {((_caller distance _unit) < 3) OR (unitReady _caller) OR (!alive _caller)};
if ((_caller distance _unit) > 3 OR (!alive _caller)) exitWith {}; if (not (alive _unit) ) exitWith {_unit removeAction _id};
_caller playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic";
sleep 8;
if (alive _caller && alive _unit) then {if (_mode !=3) then {_unit setDamage ((damage _unit) - 0.1)};
_unit removeAction _id;
if (_mode ==3) then {_unit setVariable ["RUG_BodyArmor", 0]};
_caller doFollow (leader _caller);
RUG_BA_AIAction = {
private ["_unit", "_id", "_dam","_maxdam", "_side", "_trig", "_foundhelper", "_helper"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_id = _this select 1;
_dam = damage _unit;
_maxdam = _unit getVariable "RUG_BA_MaxD";
_side = switch (side _unit) do {case west: {"WEST"};
case east: {"EAST"}; case resistance: {"GUER"};
case civilian: {"CIV"};
_trig = createtrigger ["EmptyDetector", getpos _unit];
_trig setTriggerArea [50, 50, 0, false];
_trig settriggerActivation [_side, "PRESENT", true];
sleep 1;
_foundHelper = false;
if (_mode != 3) then
_condition = {(damage _unit) >= _dam}
_condition = {(_unit getVariable "RUG_BodyArmor") > _maxdam}
while _condition do
_list = ((list _trig) - [_unit]);
if ((count _list) > 0) then {_helper = _list select (floor (random (count _list)))};
if (isNull (_helper findNearestEnemy (position _helper))) then {_foundHelper = true};
if (!_foundHelper) then {
if (_helper distance (_helper findNearestEnemy (position _helper)) > 100) then {_foundHelper = true};
if (_helper != Player && _foundHelper && vehicle _helper == _helper) then
_helper action ["USER", _unit, _id];
waitUntil {((_helper distance _unit) < 3) OR (unitReady _helper) OR (!alive _helper)};
if (RUG_BA_Debug) then {hint format ["%1 is helping %2!", _helper, _unit]};
sleep 10;
sleep 5;
deleteVehicle _trig;
RUG_BA_Down = {
private ["_unit", "_dam", "_EH", "_mode", "_id", "_text"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_dam = _this select 1;
_EH = _unit getVariable "RUG_BA_EH";
_mode = _unit getVariable "RUG_BA_Mode";
_unit action ["eject", vehicle _unit];
if (_mode != 3) then {_unit removeEventhandler ["hit", _EH]};
if (_mode != 3) then {_unit setdamage _dam};
_unit switchmove "DeadState";
_unit setcaptive true;
_unit stop true;
_text = format ["Perform first aid on %1", _unit];
_id = _unit addAction [_text, "RUG_BodyArmor.sqf", _id, 9.8, true, true];
[_unit, _id] spawn RUG_BA_AIAction;
if (RUG_BA_Debug) then {hint format ["%1 is down!", _unit]};
_timer = [] spawn {sleep (120 + (random 15))};
if (_mode !=3) then
waitUntil {scriptDone _timer OR (damage _unit < _dam)}
waitUntil {scriptDone _timer OR (_unit getVariable "RUG_BodyArmor") == 0};
_unit removeAction _id;
_unit stop false;
if (RUG_BA_Debug) then {hint format ["%1 is back up!", _unit]};
// Checks different modes;
switch (_mode) do
case 0: {};
case 1: {//Full armor return after revival
_unit setdamage -5;
_EH = _unit addEventHandler ["hit", {_this call RUG_BA}];
_unit setvariable ["RUG_BA_EH", _EH];
_unit setVariable ["RUG_BodyArmor", 0];
case 2: {//"Medevac" mode -> unit only get their armor back after getting fully healed
_unit spawn
waitUntil {damage _this == 0};
_this setdamage -5;
_EH = _this addEventHandler ["hit", {_this call RUG_BA}];
_this setvariable ["RUG_BA_EH", _EH];
_this setVariable ["RUG_BodyArmor", 0];
case 3: {
_unit setdamage -500;
_unit setVariable ["RUG_BodyArmor", 0];
_unit switchMove "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
_unit setcaptive false;
_unit setdamage -5;
if (_mode == 3) then {_unit setdamage -500};
_EH = _unit addEventHandler ["hit", {_this call RUG_BA}];
_maxdam = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _unit >> "armor") * -(_dam));
_unit setvariable ["RUG_BA_EH", _EH];
_unit setVariable ["RUG_BA_Mode", _mode];
_unit setVariable ["RUG_BA_MaxD", _maxdam];
_unit setVariable ["RUG_BodyArmor", 0];
//Actual script
_bodydam = _unit getvariable "RUG_BodyArmor";
_maxdam = _unit getvariable "RUG_BA_MaxD";
_mode = _unit getVariable "RUG_BA_Mode";
_curDam = _bodydam + _dam;
_unit setvariable ["RUG_BodyArmor", _curDam];
if (RUG_BA_Debug) then {hint format ["Unit:%1\nDamage:%2\nCurrent/Max:%3/%4", _unit, _dam, _curDam, _maxdam]};
if (_curDam > _maxdam) then
[_unit, _dam] spawn RUG_BA_Down; if (_mode == 3) then {_unit setdamage -500};
else {_unit setdamage -5; if (_mode == 3) then {_unit setDamage -500}};
My question is, does the spawned variable have to be set before spawned, as done here, and also can it be spawned from any scope within the script. Thankyou, Sparticus.