OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

Windowed Mode


I've had a brief search around here, and the official forums (which are read-only for the time being), but turned up nothing.

Prior to reinstalling ArmA, I was able to run it with the -window command-line option, and specify a resolution with -x= and -y=.  I was able to get ArmA running in a window, at 1280x1024 (my desktop resolution), showing my Windows taskbar at the bottom, and alt-tab all day long, without any issue (as opposed to full-screen mode).

Since reinstalling, no matter what command line I run with (e.g., I've tried "-window -x=1280 -y=1024", and others), the game only runs in an 800x600 window... I've read the Biki article on Startup Parameters, and I must just be missing something.  Does anyone know what I'm missing?  It's getting really frustrating, now.  Not even launching it with the options in goArma works (ruling out poor 'syntax').

Thanks in advance  :good:

I dont get the system myself full, yet what you need to do is this:

1) located arma.cfg - normally in .\profiles\users\WindowsStandardProfile\arma.cfg
2) modify the values in there. There a few ones. You have to check which are the right ones.

I have

--- Code: ---Resolution_W=1280;
--- End code ---

That was it, thanks very much :good:

I wonder why the double-barrelled approach? :confused:

The -x and -y work only once. After you used the they will write those values shown by kju in the arma.cfg. At that point the arma.cfg will override all -x and -y parameter.
A solution is to remove the win? and make the file read only.

Ahh, that explains it then.  Excellent, thanks  :good:  Very peculiar choice of implementation, though...


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