OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

Faking screen resolution


I have a question that doesnt strictly regard BIS games, but games in general. My problem is that im using a TV as my computer display ("HD-Ready") and it is quite limited in the range of supported screen resolutions = 800x600, 1024x768 and then a skip to the quite odd 1366x768, which is the native one. My problem is that alot of games defaults to the 1280xXXX range of resolutions which my display doesnt support, and if they dont i have to settle with 1024x768 which looks stretched out on my display. My question is this: is there some kind of software that can force a direct x display mode on a game, like adding borders to the left and the right to make it look ok on my screen? I am using a Nvidia Geforce 9600 GT and I dont have any extra computer displays laying around. Appreciate sincerely any help!

Check out this Biki article. You can set the resolution in ArmA for what ever you want.


--- Quote from: hoz on 26 Mar 2009, 15:09:58 ---Check out this Biki article. You can set the resolution in ArmA for what ever you want.

--- End quote ---
Thank you for that, didnt know you could set resolutions that way. I was just wondering if anyone knows some general way to do this for non-BIS games? Im aware that this is a BIS-games-only forum and you probably dont like me discussing this here, but i figured that you people here would be tech-savvy enough to give a good answer (besides, the "Borum" is down this week). I would really apreciate help, as the way it is now i just cant play some games as my display doesnt support the standard resolution and it can only be set within the game itself. Anyone has a tip?

After I posted this I did another search round and found this http://appaholic.co.uk/2007/10/16/dxwnd-force-almost-anything-into-a-windowed-mode/ Dont know why i didnt find it the first time around. Sorry to bother you.


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