Hi , I'm trying to create a searchlight script that will make the searchlight in ArmA rotate back and forth slowly.
But this script I have is not full proof, I'm not much of a scripter but I get the idea...So here is my try.
_guard1 = _this select 0
_Guard1 dowatch look1
goto "target2"
_Guard1 dowatch look2
goto "target1"
What I did is placed to invisible targets on the map and had the soldier target those two targets to simulate the searchlight to go back and forth. But this doesn't work. The results are, the light targets the 1st target but then it goes crazy and just moves back and forth fast in the middle of both targets doesn't even target the targets really any more.
So how can I make a script to rotate the light slowly? I know there is one out there or it is possible. I just don't rememember where it was...thanks..