Has anyone ever been able to select weapon/muzzle on an AI controlled chopper?
This is my setup:
- GameLogic called "spot"
- Cobra called "tc" in perfect line of sight from "spot".
- Trigger set to "true" with onActivation:
tcd selectWeapon "FFARLauncher";
tcg selectWeapon "FFARLauncher";
tcd selectWeapon "R_Hydra_HE";
tcg selectWeapon "R_Hydra_HE";
tcd doTarget nearestObject [getpos spot, "static"];
tcg doTarget nearestObject [getpos spot, "static"];
tcd doFire nearestObject [getpos spot, "static"];
tcg doFire nearestObject [getpos spot, "static"];
The Cobra is still just firing with the cannon/machinegun.
I've tried just having selectWeapon once (either weapon or muzzle)... No difference.
I've tried just having "tc" selectWeapon etc. instead of "tcd" and "tcg"... No difference.
I've tried setting nearestObject selection to "all" and then the Cobra don't fire at all.
Very annoyed and confused