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Author Topic: The 'say' command...  (Read 2875 times)

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Offline Dash5

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The 'say' command...
« on: 15 Aug 2007, 06:53:04 »
Code: [Select]
Transformer say ["transformersound", 50, 1.0];
(Transformer is one of these, created with createVehicle)

So the sound should diminish with distance, right? But it's the same volume all over the map. What's going on here?

Offline Mandoble

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Re: The 'say' command...
« Reply #1 on: 15 Aug 2007, 11:12:44 »
another BIS mistery ...
You may try the following, put the player at the other side of the island, then create a camera near the player pointing to the player and few seconds after that, make your transformer to say something with object say "sound"

Offline Trapper

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Re: The 'say' command...
« Reply #2 on: 15 Aug 2007, 12:23:47 »
Please let me direct you to this topic instead of writing everything again:

Your code looks wrong to me, like you've merged the command and the description.ext entry. It's just:
Code: [Select]
Transformer say "transformersound"http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=list&game=All&letter=s#say
« Last Edit: 15 Aug 2007, 12:25:51 by Trapper »

Offline Mandoble

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Re: The 'say' command...
« Reply #3 on: 15 Aug 2007, 12:39:32 »
his code is right: say array, but ArmA itself is not quite right when it comes to sounds ...

Offline Trapper

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Re: The 'say' command...
« Reply #4 on: 15 Aug 2007, 14:16:51 »
But Mandoble his say array comes already with a third pitch value which isn't even mentioned in the comref entry you picked out?
unit say speechname; Format of speechName is [sound, maxTitlesDistance].
And beside the array isn't used by most authors, I don't see a reason to display a titletext for a transformer ambient sound.
Are you justing ranting about ArmA here?  ???

Offline Mandoble

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Re: The 'say' command...
« Reply #5 on: 15 Aug 2007, 16:20:27 »
His command will work, no matter if with title text or not, just the same as say "sound".
And about your question, yes, of course. Now try the camera with the sound source at the other side of the island to feel the "power" of Say.

Offline Trapper

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Re: The 'say' command...
« Reply #6 on: 15 Aug 2007, 18:46:33 »
:dry: Many thx, now i've wasted thirty minutes to experiment with your scenario just to find out what you could have written.

A camera cutscene combined with a say command: For me it destroyed the sound of that ArmA session and put a heavy load on the system until I closed ArmA.

So cutscenes and say are a no go in ArmA? Do all ArmA missions with "speaking" actors in cutscenes always use playsound?

EDIT: There're definitely seem to be say dialogs in the intro of the "The Cause" campaign, and they don't cause this heavy bug. So what's going on?

Alright, it had to be the windowed mode's fault then.
Edit2: No, my custom sound file format is faulty. Your example works with "alarm" but the bug repeats when I use my sound.
« Last Edit: 15 Aug 2007, 21:06:32 by Trapper »

Offline Mandoble

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Re: The 'say' command...
« Reply #7 on: 15 Aug 2007, 20:02:35 »
Doubt Say and cameras cause any heavy load.

For those of you that want to experiment the effect, create a mission, put the player, save it and create a init.sqf file in the mission folder this way:
Code: [Select]
// Init.sqf
_log = "logic" createVehicle [getPos player select 0, (getPos player select 1)+1000, 0];
Sleep 2;
titleText["LOGIC saying alarm sound 1000 m away\nYou will hardly hear it", "PLAIN"];
_log say "Alarm";
Sleep 4;
_cam = "camera" camcreate [0, 0, 0];
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"];
_cam camSetTarget player;
_cam camSetRelPos [2,2,2];
_cam camCommit 0;
Sleep 2;
titleText["LOGIC saying alarm sound 1000 m away with camera\nClearly audible now", "PLAIN"];
_log say "Alarm";
Sleep 6;
_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"];
titleText["And the sound continues even after destroying the camera", "PLAIN"];
camDestroy _cam;
Sleep 8;
deleteVehicle _log;

Offline Trapper

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Re: The 'say' command...
« Reply #8 on: 15 Aug 2007, 21:12:41 »
So the camera-object integration into the 3d sound world is buggy, too? Looks like it's ears are present everywhere when it comes to say emitted sounds.

Offline Dash5

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Re: The 'say' command...
« Reply #9 on: 15 Aug 2007, 22:59:59 »
Seems adjusting the db value is the trick.

I should have mentioned that this isn't a cutscene, but in any case, I think I'm on the right track now. Thanks for all the quick replies!  :good:

Offline Cold

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Re: The 'say' command...
« Reply #10 on: 15 Mar 2009, 02:28:06 »
This may be slightly off the point, but I've recently learned that while using audacity to edit .ogg files that I want any people to use with the "say" command... if I edit the decibels to about -9 I believe, when played in game they can only be heard within 30-40 feet or so... at normal decibel levels you can hear it plain as day no matter where you are.
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Offline DeanosBeano

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Re: The 'say' command...
« Reply #11 on: 15 Mar 2009, 10:19:20 »
 i only ever needed to download this tutorial and after that  sounds were never a problem :).


 come with tools and a littlevideo showing how too , remember also sometimes you need to spawn a logic or something because only certain objects can use the say command.

 i put this here for future refference too.
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