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Offline NightJay0044

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Tears of the sun
« on: 11 Mar 2009, 23:32:40 »
Hi, I know this has been on topic before. The last mission was a mission but I believe it didn't potray the effects and the whole movie theme and action.

After playing the Rambo campaigns it's made me realize these types of missions can be done. It will just require a lot of time and detail into it.

My praposal is to create a campaign for tears of the sun. I would need help with it though. I'm an advanced editor but I donot have a lot of skills in the advanced area.

My purpose would be to make the campaign as "realistic" as possible to the movie. The scenes in the movie, the people, possibly addons if we need them.

I wish to potray the campaign from the movie as much as possible in every concievable detail as we can.
Ok I know things may come up that poeple will want to do with what they will with the campaign.

But we got to keep it into perspective of the movie. But believe me, it's fun playing it after you put the time and effort into. It's I dont' know how to do it all on my own. It wouldn't be very good if I were to make it solo.

So what does everyone think? I hope to get all people as much as possible into, not saying I'm going to be the team leader, but we'll figure all that out if people want to join in on this big project.

It would be exciting.  Oh and if you think it's not possible to make it just like the movie, well I think that the person who believes that doesn't know ArmA's and OFP's potential, (no offense)...but it can be done, I just don't know how to do it all.

I appreciate it guys, thanks...
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Offline Raptorsaurus

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Re: Tears of the sun
« Reply #1 on: 15 Mar 2009, 03:54:50 »

I think it is a great idea. That was a great movie! Anyway, I can help a little bit. I am pretty busy with work (both domestic and at the office) and I am also trying to finish my own OFP mission projects. But if you take the lead and can do most of the work, I can at least help out with scripting, and cutscenes. I have a resource that I will be submitting soon that makes cutscenes easier and alows for some neat affects. I developed it to ease the OFP mission project I am working on because it is cutscene intensive. Check out the attached cutscene I did for PenguinMan for a mission he was working on. It uses my FlexiCam.sqs script. Preview the Itro NOT the mission. I was messing around with some other stuff on the mission map. The intro map is where the cutscene can be seen.
« Last Edit: 15 Mar 2009, 03:58:48 by Raptorsaurus »

Offline NightJay0044

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Re: Tears of the sun
« Reply #2 on: 16 Mar 2009, 05:38:05 »
Thanks for the assistance. Yeah I'll check out your intro a bit later. Also with the movie we do run into numorous problems.

Because with the way bohemia interactive designed the mission editor it is hard to create specific things for the game. It's hard to keep the ArmA campaign Tears of The Sun with in accordance with the movie.

Lets take an example.
When the seals move into their first objective goto the village and find dr kendricks and get her out.

The first part where they start in the water and have to keep the native girl quiet in fear of local rebel troops in the area.

How would we present that in the first objetive? YOu know...every person who plays this campaign has their own desires in the mission, their own initiatives.  It's hard to have forced objectives without the player decided for his own faith and keeping it along with the movie.

You know what I mean?

Then where I'm also stuck is when they walk into the room where they are operating on the african dude and the corpsmen offers to assist and then LT. Waters goes out and talks to kendricks and she refuses to leave without her people.

How do we create that in-game? You know, we can't make everything a cutscene. That would just be a boring campaign.

So now that I've presented those issues about the game and the movie we can now start working around it.

Thanks. we need to discuss this and it's issues and solutions before editing it started because I don't know how to go about it.

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Offline Raptorsaurus

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Re: Tears of the sun
« Reply #3 on: 16 Mar 2009, 23:36:12 »
Yes, I know what you mean. OFP is designed to be non-linear and if the plot is to proceed according to the movies script, there must be some constraints placed on what the player can do. One thing is to make it so that if the player acts too far out of certain limits some evil will befall him. I use this technique in OFP missions. You allow the player to go where he wants, but if he goes to far he gets first a warning message, then if he does not heed the message he get captured and tortured to death, or just steps on a landmine and dies.

Offline johnnyboy

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Re: Tears of the sun
« Reply #4 on: 17 Mar 2009, 18:51:01 »
and then LT. Waters goes out and talks to kendricks and she refuses to leave without her people.

How do we create that in-game? You know, we can't make everything a cutscene. That would just be a boring campaign.

"Live" dialogue (i.e., not a cutscene) is very doable.  When village objective complete, and when Waters is close enough you trigger a conversation script.  First line is Waters saying "We must evacuate you now".  Then Kendricks says "No.  Blah-blah-blah".   You put a small before each line of conversation that Kendricks will say that will force her to not say her line until she is close enough to the player Waters.  If not close enough, she will MoveTo his position.  Example snippet of live conversation script from Last Tango in Bagango:

//     Do not talk until talker is less than 4 meters from boss.  Talker will follow
//     boss until close enough to talk.
   while { (_boss distance _talker ) >= 4} do
        _talker switchmove "";
        _talker setunitpos "UP";
        _talker lookat _boss;
        _talker domove (_boss modelToWorld [1.5, 1.5, 0]);       
        sleep 1;
   _talker setmimic "sad";
   _talker  say "el_cojon_bro_dead";
   sleep 3;

You put the while loop before every line that the AI character is to say.  If the Player cooperates, it works nicely with a face to face conversation.  If the player is impatient and runs around to pick up ammo or whatever, then the AI character follows the player to say each line.

I think players will cooperate, because they know it moves the story along, and next objective won't be revealed until the conversation occurs.  I think these live dialogues are better than cutscenes, because immersion is not broken.   Although cutscenes work when you want all players to see or hear something that does not occur at their current location.

Note that the live conversation scripts should account for different outcomes.  What happens if a talker is killed before or during conversation?

Good luck with this project.
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