Just because this next question is related somewhat to this script....
So I have the first objective check off but when I go to an officer to get my next objective it just resets the First objective to active again. I am pretty sure it is because of the last 4 lines of code.... I am not sure how to execute this though. I don't want the players to make every objective active right away.... I only want it to go one at a time...
This is what will set off once you visit the officer:
if(obj1Stat && CratesDestroyed && isServer)then{ ["2", "ACTIVE"] call updateObjStatus; };
if(obj2Stat && ShiekhArrives && isServer)then{["3", "ACTIVE"] call updateObjStatus; };
if(obj3Stat && CaptureRecorder && isServer)then{["4", "ACTIVE"] call updateObjStatus;
_box = createVehicle ["AAMI154" , [0, 0, 0], ["Mb_pos1", "Mb_pos2", "Mb_pos3"], 0, "NONE"];
_building = nearestBuilding _box;
_building addEventHandler ["KILLED", { ["5", "DONE"] call updateObjStatus; DestroyComms = true;} ];};
if(obj4Stat && DestroyComms && isServer)then{["5", "ACTIVE"] call updateObjStatus;};
obj1Stat = true;
["1", "ACTIVE"] call updateObjStatus;
"obj1a" setMarkerType Obj1area;
"obj1" setMarkerType Des_ammo;
So how could I better write this sqf?