OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

Vista Issues


Hi I have a HP Pavilion a6400f with windows Vista and have had video issues with it. I recently purchased a Nvidia 6200 video card and the problem still persists. Every now and then I get the following Error message when starting the game:

Cannot Create 3D device
    Adaptor 0 (Nvidia GeForce 6200) Fullscreen
    resolution 1024x768, format X8R8G8B8/D16, refresh 0 hz

If anyone has a solution to this I would appreciate it.

Thank You

Unfortunately, the 6200 is a very old card. ArmA's minimum requirement is a 6800. That error you're getting is because your card doesn't support the shader model ArmA has. Nothing you can do apart from upgrading your PC I'm afraid, as it's not Vista related. Or does ArmA run sometimes and doesn't run other times? In that case I'm at a loss as to what the problem could be...

Its my fault, I was not clear. I have Operation Flashpoint GOTY not ArmA. I have since gotten rid of the previous computer with the problem and have a new computer with a Nvidia GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 and on occassion I have the same problems it I add to many addons to the addon directory.

Try adding the switch -nomap to the shortcut target line in Properties for the shortcut file.

For example.......

D:\Games\OperationFlashpoint\Flashpointresistance.exe -nomap -nosplash -window


Yes it has to do with your card not supporting the game graphics.

I carry a Nvidia GeForce 9500 series..I only get that message when I try and load ArmA two times at the same time.  :D


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