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Author Topic: Spawn Bombing run via a trigger?  (Read 1321 times)

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Offline Crowey

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Spawn Bombing run via a trigger?
« on: 24 Feb 2009, 17:59:17 »
Hi again guys, this is a follow on question to my delayed radio trigger topic....
Now Iv got that bit sussed, how do I easily (remember im a noob at this stuff) spawn a Plane to make a a bombing run? and follow some waypoints?
Basically Im confused because the plane is bombing the airport so I cant jus have one sat around  till I need it because no matter where I place it or its WP's it cant get enough speed up to take off when I call it so I need it t spawn in flight. My knowledge stops at spawning a static plane at a locatio I need it to
a) spawn in flight with a blufor pilot
b) then follow a set of WP's or maybe  I could use the "goto" command?
C) then I jus want it to go away

Note... It doesnt even have to engage as Ive rigged a set of explosions using Gamelogic on waypoints to simulate a run of explosions once a trigger is activated ie the blufor plane present.....

Offline Ext3rmin4tor

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Re: Spawn Bombing run via a trigger?
« Reply #1 on: 24 Feb 2009, 20:39:41 »
If you set the properties "flying" in the unit properties field it will start the game flying. If you want it to start a bombing run when certain conditions are met, place the plane very far away fromt he bombing location (better if it is on the sea) setting the "flying" property, then place a game logic in the location you want the plane starting from, and then moving it there using

Code: [Select]
bomber setPos(getPos bomberLogic)

You can name the bomber and the game logic as you please, just be sure you use the proper name with that command.

If you want it to follow a set of waypoints, place a move waypoint near the plane starting position, syncrhonize it with the trigger (remember that the trigger type must be "switch", otherwise it won't work) which moves the plane at the start of the bombing run, then place the set of waypoints you want it to follow. The switch type trigger basically makes the waypoint next the synchronized one be the current active waypoint when the trigger is fired. It is also useful to make a unit exit a loop waypoint sequence created with a CYCLE waypoint, or to make them exit a neverending waypoint, like HOLD or SEARCH AND DESTROY.
« Last Edit: 24 Feb 2009, 20:44:02 by Ext3rmin4tor »
How can you shoot women and children?
Easy! Ya' just don't lead'em so much! Ain't war hell?!!

Offline Crowey

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Re: Spawn Bombing run via a trigger?
« Reply #2 on: 25 Feb 2009, 18:27:16 »
I placed a bomber out at sea "flying" and done everything else it spawns at the GL which is greta but its not always facing the right direction so sometimes its flaying away from where the bomb run is????? Is there a way to guarantee its facing west?

Offline Planck

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Re: Spawn Bombing run via a trigger?
« Reply #3 on: 25 Feb 2009, 18:38:10 »
You can set the direction when you place the aircraft on the map in the editor using the direction icon thingy (highly technical description).    :cool2:

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Offline Crowey

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Re: Spawn Bombing run via a trigger?
« Reply #4 on: 25 Feb 2009, 18:46:53 »
Ye i tried that but the problem still occurs am assuming it jumps to the position of the Gl in the same direction its flying at the time of the activation of the radio command. ( it must use its own initiative and fly around until that point...)

Would it be easier to spawn in a bomber plane in flight facing the desired direction? If so what would i put in the On Act field of the trigger?
« Last Edit: 25 Feb 2009, 20:00:50 by Crowey »