Hello OFPECers,
since I'm new here I though I'd introduce myself.
My name is Scott , I picked up ArmA about 2 months ago and it's one of the few computer games that I like.
I want to create my own missions for it but my ascension to scripting god has hit a snag on the first step!
I've searched through the forum here and can find many examples for what I am trying to do but can't seem to get them to work.
I have a feeling the answer will be embarrassingly obvious but I just can't see it.
I have two BLUFOR units on the map one is the player I'm using to spectate, the other is an AI unit called Man1.
I'm trying, via script, to create a waypoint for Man1 at a marker called Target1.
I have a script file called makemove.sqf that contains
WPObj = group Man1 addWaypoint [Target1,0];
group Man1 setCurrentWaypoint WPObj;
WPObj setWayPointType "MOVE";
WPObj setWayPointSpeed "FULL";
In the init field for Man1 I have
call {execVM "makemove.sqf"}
When I preview the mission in the editor I get the error
WPObj = group Man1 |#|addWaypoint [Target1,0];
Error 0 Elements provided, 3 expected
I've tried as many things as I could think of, passing Man1 and Target1 in as parameters etc. but no luck.
What am I doing wrong?