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Major Oxygen light BUG!


Hi all I just experienced a bug with Oxygen light on my pc..ah man this stinks I think i have to uninstall it now.

The problem was. I installed oxygen and oxygen light.  Then I set up the external viewer on oxygen light to the "oxygen light" icon from the desktop, I think I was supposed to click the buldozer Icon instead.

But then windows went CRAZY.  Oxygen light loaded it's program 240 times and my windows vista went crazy saying, figuring out the problem. First time I shut off power to my pc second time went through and manually deleted all 240 programs. Why was this, I chose the wrong external viewer, or is it oxygen light, or my pc? I don't think it's my PC it's brand new..

P.S. Now it wont even let me delete the Oxygen Light "Folder" on my desktop.  the error says I need permission to perform this action..I don't think it's a virus, it could be, but I had no problems with viruses until I tried setting up the oxygen light to make the viewer run.

Have you already tried to uninstall oxygen from your pc using the remove hardware application? If not, do it that way and see if you can then remove the folder. If that doesn't work, you could try system restore.

System restore might work.  I tried to find it in the uninstall programs on my vista Operating system, but the thing was it wasen't there. That was odd.  I looked in C:program files and it's not there either.

Now I don't want to download Oxygen light again, I don't want it to load a billion times.
I wanted to make addons but I think I'll leave it alone for right now. 

Have you checked inside the folder to see if its empty? If it is, the folder was probably tied to a process that was not through running or another file was processing that is dependent on its location. First try and reboot to shut the process down, if it still will not delete, do a search of your drive for the culprit. You could always reinstall and allow it to overwrite any files that may exist.


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