OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

VBS 2 and Arma

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Oui, but we played it as one when we could. Are the models just better quality Arma Models? I'll toot the Arma horn for quite some time, I just wish B.A.S was back into the Add-On market like it was for OFP.

Mods, feel free to lock at your convenience, I think my question has been answered. Thanks for your patience.

Just for clarification:

The VBS series is made by Bohemia Interactive, a subset now known as Bohemia Interactive Simulations (BISim).

Within BI we share developers, models, source code etc etc between the game side and the simulation side. As I just posted elsewhere, elements of VBS2 are going to appear in the upcoming Operation Arrowhead - tracers, soldier drag and thermal imaging, to name a few.

The VBS models are generally of lower quality than in the games, but there are more of them. In addition VBS2 uses the older Armed Assault game engine, while the ArmA2 engine is much more advanced from a graphics perspective.

snYpir!  :D Listen to the man, he WORKS for the man these days. Or, well, the man = BIS(im). I still remember that one mission with the M113s, the name of which has slipped my mind except that the main guy's name was like Axe. One of the first missions I picked apart and learned from (back in the days when artillery had to be simulated by setdammaging a static turret in a random area since no-one had figured out camcreated ordinance yet). Oh, the memories. Stuff like "abort mission if x amount of friendlies are dead" and avoiding the last loon problem were, at the time, quite revolutionary in fact. Even BIS missions often had these problems.

End of off-topic rant. Just wanted to give a wave to snYpir!

Wolfrug out.

Operation Axe-point was it's name I believe, Wolfrug. ;)

I can clearly remember that mission too. God I miss those days! :weeping:


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