OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

VBS 2 and Arma

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 Maybe I've missed something, but why are folks so touchy when the subject of VBS 2 is brought up? I "played" VBS while in Iraq and was impressed. I also noticed that Arma content is fully compatible in VBS 2. So, why do folks get bent out of shape when someone posts screenshots of something cool they saw in VBS? Is VBS content compatible with Arma? It just seems that over on the BI forum, folks really get a bee in their bonnet when the subject is brought up. Just curious....

Lots of posts this week....finished a big programming project, so I had some spare time. (can you believe I went back to college to learn programming and 3d design just to make Arma better?)

The fact is that ArmA is a game and VBS is a training tool for the security forces of various descriptions and countries.
These people commission content for their own needs and of course for that reason VBS content is not available for ArmA.

Whether ArmA content is available for VBS use is up to the authors of such content AND BI.
This is not for us to discuss on this site as we are only concerned with editing content for the game and anything non-editing or non-game related is not our concern.

Some people take exception to the fact that VBS appears to be using some content originally for ArmA.
I have no idea about this and I don't particularly care, but many people seem to 'get bent out of shape' about it.

This topic will be closed rather quickly though if it is used to discuss VBS, mainly because it is outwith our remit as VBS is not a game made by BI.


 No I will not use it to discuss VBS (though it is made by BIA, a division of BIS). I just wanted to know a little more about why all the negative feelings about the relationship between the two.


--- Quote from: Planck on 30 Jan 2009, 00:40:55 ---
This topic will be closed rather quickly though if it is used to discuss VBS, mainly because it is outwith our remit as VBS is not a game made by BI.


--- End quote ---


From Maruk himself ..... on this Forum.

I believe the difference between ArmA and VBS is, and has always been, that VBS is not a game. I believe it is also mainly worked on by Australia-based BIA, but that's neither here nor there: bottom line is, ceci n'est pas un jeu-video.


Wolfrug out.


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