tried that, also increased the area of the land contact dont know if it does any good. made sure all was above the line but it still bounces around like a shrew on speed. i think im going to up the size a bit and see if that helps, flashpoint usualy doesnt like small things
20 minutes later
i upped the size to 3 feet and now it works fairly well except for one thing, the pilot view is in the wrong spot and i dont know what the LODs represent or how to make the thing be in the correct position.
the flight behavior is odd to say the least, it will not fl without auto hover on and using a joystick to fly it faster than auto hover allows would be insane since its so unstable.
later on.
i smoothed out the glitches with it bouncing and being unstable in flight, only thing left i want to fix is it getting stuck upside down on the ground. after that im gonna add the turret and release it. its pretty cool ;D i flew over a mob of different soviet items including a shilka and a soviet controlled adats some infantry and alot of other things. no missiles contacted though they did come close once, bullets rarely hit and im only 50 feet above the ground