I've finally managed to get my AP mine script/addon working (just need a cool model) but when I try to used addAction (see below), the action never appears in-game.
_mine = "RoadCone" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_mine setPos _mineMarker;
_id = _mine addAction["Disarm Mine", "disarmMine.sqs"];
(For now, I'm using the RoadCone till I draw a custom model)
I've tried using "nearObjects" to find _mine and it's there. I've also tried adding the action to the first object in the nearObjects array in the hope it would fool the game but alas... it didn't.
Oddly enough, the _id value increased when I added an additional action (just to test) but they still don't show?
I've also tried creating a "Logic" and adding the action to that, but no matter what I do, I can't addAction to anything created using the createVehicle command.
Have you guys seen this before and is there a workaround (appart from adding the action to the player?
Thanks for your help.