OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

ArmA unstable after frequent ALT+TABs

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Hi guys,

Has anyone else had problems when repeatedly "tweaking" a custom mission and the ALT+TABbing out of ArmA to change a script causes it to lock up or crash?

On my machine, ArmA is stable under normal conditions but when I frequently ALT+TAB between a text editor (for script tweaks) and the game, after a while, the screen gets trashed with the wrong textures being applied to the GUI and sometimes a flat or unwrapped texture fills the whole screen.

I can't even CTRL+ALT+DEL... the system needs a reboot.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a feature? It was present in 1.14 and also now in 1.15b

I can post system specs if it helps?

Thanks for any help offered

I don't think this is the right section, but you could try running the game in window if you need to ALT+TAB often (shortcut parameter -window).

I felt it was more to do with editing than crashing and thought my fellow editors are more likely to have seen it.

I'll try the -window idea and post the results.


I get this very same thing. Solution: use -window. I always thought it had to do with my graphics card or something though  :dunno: Interesting that more people are having the same effects...

Wolfrug out.

ArmA, at least on a nvidia system, dislikes ALT + TAB and will crash after a time. Therefore use -window and all your problems are gone ;)

And if you edit ArmA.cfg and make it read only you can use -x & -y to switch the resolution. So my developer ArmA is running a lower resolution so I can easily switch and still see my code.


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