Firstly, don't quote the post to which you're replying - it's a waste of space and bandwidth.
If you have multiple markers, and you wish a unit or group to move to those markers in succession, all you need is a small script to use the doMove command each time you wish to change the target marker. The obvious question is: why don't you want to do this with waypoints?
The usual answer is that you want the unit/group to move to the markers in any order, which can be a hassle to set up with waypoints. Doing the same thing with markers naturally introduces the problem of how to determine the distance between your unit/group and the destination marker. You could either create a Game Logic and place it at the marker's position, or you could use the ID of a pre-existing object on the map - which would negate the use of markers, since you could just tell the unit/group to move to the object's position. That said, markers can be moved: map objects cannot.
Either way, the following example should get you started on the right path:
Call using group player exec "marker_waypoints.sqs"
; set up variables
_group = _this select 0
_markers = ['marker1', 'my_marker', 'church_marker', 'another_marker']
_current_marker = 0
;create a game logic
gl = "logic" createvehicle [0,0,0]
; move the game logic to the current marker's position
gl setpos (getmarkerpos (_markers select _current_marker))
; move the unit/group
leader _group domove getpos gl
; if the unit/group is within 5 metres, choose the next marker
? (leader _group distance gl) > 5 : goto "move_loop"
_current_marker = _current_marker + 1
; if it's the last marker, go back to the first
? (_current_marker >= count _markers) : _current_marker = 0
; still going?
? (alive leader _group) : goto "marker_loop"