A similar script was my only OFPEC approved script resource for OFP, but was lost in the Great Flood. The OFP barrels were more fun, because they were light and responded to physics better, so when one exploded near by, the physics engines launched the nearby ones, which would then explode somewhere else. I miss those bouncing barrels!
Spooner: Thanks for the MP feedback, and the simplified init line. I was worried that my use of Random would cause the barrels to launch in different directions on different clients. But if Killed event is server side, then I guess its not a problem...
Regarding mid-air collisions, mando helped me out before on similar problem, and suggested a computer object for collision. It worked, but sometimes you could see it for a split second. Invisible weapon holder sounds like a better solution. At that time, I also found that you want to setpos shell to modelToWorld [0,0,0] of collision object instead of pos of collision object, because some percentage of time setpos would put shell immediately beneath collision object, and fall to ground.
When I get some time, I'll work on the mid-air explosions--they make the effect more fun.
Schuler: "Flagellum"...lol...that's my word for the day! Yes, its true, I do like blowing stuff up... I look forward to seeing this in action in First Response!