To make missions more accessible to the public, its a good idea to use as few addons as you can. This script makes it easy to use Editor Addon objects, without requiring the addons.
From the comments in the script:
; *****************************************************
; ** JBOY_replace_object.sqs
; ** by JohnnyBoy
; **
; ** Replace one object with another object. Used to place
; ** EditorUpdate objects without having to include the Editor Addon
; ** in your mission. The replacment object will have the same dir and
; ** position as the object to replace.
; **
; ** example call:
; ** [this, "FieldReporter", "ReporterDude"] exec "JBOY_replace_object.sqs";
; **
; ** Parameter 1: Object to replace. I like barrel objects as place holders.
; ** Parameter 2: Object Type of new object to create.
; ** Parameter 3: Object name of new object, so you can reference this object
; ** in your other scripts. Place your desired name in this variable
; ** instead of naming the placeholder object you placed in the editor.
; *****************************************************
In the attached sample mission I have placed 4 barrel objects, adjusted their azimuths, and put a call to this script in the barrel's init. When you preview the mission you will not see 4 barrels. Instead you will see Marian Quandt, the Field Reporter, a video camera on a tripod, and an Oil Pump.
I should have posted this a year ago...