Hey there Rellikki, and welcome back!
Anyway, as to your question, there be two things you can do: trust your own mousehand, or use mathematics
I'd go with the first one, but the second one works too.
Mouse hand: This is something a lot of people don't seem to know, so : remap the Bulldozer controls in the controls section to use the mouse movements. The bulldozer controls are also used to control the camera.sqs camera, so by mapping the turning and tilting to the mouse, you can adjust the camera much more finely, making everything a lot smoother.
The second option is more mathematical, and I can't presume to know exactly how to do it, but the theory is easy enough: just start by taking the initial position, and copy-pasting the results into your text file. Then figure out exactly how many points you have to add to the X or Y position to move it the desired amount. For instance if you figure out that at that zoom level you have to add, say, 50 to the X position to move it exactly one screen to the right, then go right ahead! This will, obviously, be more precise, but will take some initial work from you to figure out.
Good luck!
Wolfrug out.