I'm sorry if I kinda annoying you, Mandoble, but I still got it wrong, It wasn't working in my mission.
I'm still pretty beginner. I tried my best to learn what you're trying to explain.
What I did, I put first part of code in the script but I named it to "T.sqf", I did nothing to the script
then I set marker :teleporttest1 on both fields on the map.
I named my plane Test
finally I put trigger that says res = [test, getMarkerPos "testmarker1", 270]execVM "t.sqf";
and set it as radio command. no error message showed up but it didnt teleport.
Just saying it again, I want a script that INSTANTLY move object with name to location. To TELEPORT. And set it on direction, speed. That's what I wanted.
UPDATE: I tried put res = [my_plane, getMarkerPos "mk_cam2", 270]execVM"scriptname.sqf"; one into script and called it from trigger again, didnt work.