Ok, the first problem appears to be with the init.sqf file, it is saying im missing a "]" from line 22, but i can't seem to find where.
[["prices.sqf"]] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "SPON\Money\initMoney.sqf";
{ 50 },
{ if (playerside == WEST) then { 250 } else { 150 }; },
] execVM "SPON\money\initmoney.sqf";
_gunshop =
[gunshopowner, 0.25, 1.0, _gunshop] execVM "SPON\Money\setshop.sqf";
[banker1] execVM "SPON\Money\setbank.sqf";
nil; // Return.
Is what I have.
Also, when the browse shop thing does appear (i fiddled about with brackets, and i still go an error about missing brackets but the browse shop action appeared), It fails to activate as it can't find dlg.money or something along those lines, any ideas what is missing?