Place gamelogic on map where you want field. In its init field put
this exec "makefield.sqs"
_field = _this
_fieldx = getpos _field select 0
_fieldy = getpos _field select 1
_xdist = 3
_ydist = 3
_cols = 5
_rows = 5
_x = _fieldx - (_cols/2) * _xdist
_y = _fieldy - (_rows/2) * _ydist
_sceneryname = "TablePub"
_colcount = 0
_rowcount = 0
_totalcount = 0
f = _sceneryname camcreate [_x, _y, 0]
_x = _x + _xdist
_colcount = _colcount + 1
_totalcount = _totalcount + 1
?!(_colcount == _cols):goto "loop"
_colcount = 0
_x = _fieldx - (_cols/2) * _xdist
_y = _y + _ydist
_rowcount = _rowcount + 1
?!(_rowcount == _rows):goto "loop"
_rowcount = 0
?!(_totalcount >= (_cols*_rows)):goto "loop"
Replace the 'TablePub' with the classname of your grass, and adjust the rows, cols, xdist and ydist to suit.
On a more serious note, I've twice now requested by PM that you not quote the post to which you are replying. I am willing to assume you don't know how to read your PMs, so I shall say it once more here:
Do not quote the post to which you are replying. It wastes space and bandwidth.