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Author Topic: TakeBuilding Script by Raven Modifications  (Read 1101 times)

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TakeBuilding Script by Raven Modifications
« on: 15 Oct 2008, 21:39:22 »
Hey guys,

Below is Ravens TakeBuilding script that I've put into a mission of mine. I was hoping I could put something in the init line of each of the units spawned. I want to run Rommels AI Suppress Script alongside this one which is achieved by running the following in each of the group leaders (or units) init line:

nul = [group this] call compile preProcessFile "ROMM_IA.sqf"

Code: [Select]
; *******************************************************************************
; **          Script: TakeBuilding.sqs
; **     Description: Place enemies on buildings inside an area
; *******************************************************************************
; **           Author: RAVEN
; *******************************************************************************
; **      Usage: [this, 100, 50, 60, 0] exec "TakeBuilding.sqs"
; *******************************************************************************
; ** Consideraciones:
; *******************************************************************************

_unidades  = ["ffaa_terrorista_agf_AK","ffaa_terrorista_agf_PK","ffaa_terrorista_agf_RPG","ffaa_terrorista_agf_Clerigo","ffaa_terrorista_ham_ak","ffaa_terrorista_ham_PK","ffaa_terrorista_ham_RPG"]
;this is to place a specific unit when the building's position is high (towers, high buildings, ..)
_francotirador = "ffaa_terrorista_agf_SVD"

_sitio   = _this select 0
_Radio   = _this select 1
_OcuCity = _this select 2
_OcuCasa = _this select 3
_OcuGen  = _this select 4

_Ocuhome = 0
_pp = []; _ret = []; _ord = 0

;--- Reading buildings in the area
_edificios = nearestObjects [AREA1, ["HOUSE"], _Radio]
_max = count _edificios
_quedan = ((_OcuCity * _Max) / 100) + 0.5
_quedan = _quedan - (_quedan mod 1)

;--- Get the buildings as required (_OcuCity)
? _quedan <= 0  or _ord >= _max : goto "Fin_Area"
_cual = random(_max)
_cual = _cual - (_cual mod 1)
? _cual < 1 : _cual = 0
? _cual in _ret : goto "Area"
_ret = _ret + [_cual]
_ord = _ord + 1
_quedan = _quedan - 1
goto "Area"

{_pp = _pp + [_edificios select _x]} foreach _ret
_edificios = _pp
_max = (count _edificios)

;--- Processing the selected buildings
_max = _max - 1
? _max < 0 : goto "Salida"
_edi = _edificios select _max
_Posiciones = []
_ordPos = 0
_vacio = false

;--- Calculating the "fillable" positions on selected buildings
_pos = (_edi buildingPos _ordPos)
? (_pos select 0) + (_pos select 1) + (_pos select 2) == 0: _vacio = true
? _vacio and _ordPos == 0 : goto "loop"
? _vacio and _ordPos != 0 : goto "Coloca"
_Posiciones = _Posiciones + [_pos]
_ordPos = _ordPos + 1
goto "loop2"

;--- Positions selection (_Ocuhome) on building
_Ocubuild = random(_OcuCasa)
if (_OcuGen != 0) then {_Ocuhome = _OcuGen} else {_Ocuhome = _Ocubuild}
_quedan = ((_Ocuhome * _ordPos) / 100) + 0.5
_quedan = _quedan - (_quedan mod 1)
? _quedan > _ordPos : _quedan = _ordPos
? _quedan < 1 : _quedan = 1

_pp = []; _ret = []; _ord = 0
_XX = (count _posiciones)

? _ord >= _XX : goto "Coloca3"
_cual = random(_XX)
_cual = _cual - (_cual mod 1)
? _cual < 1 : _cual = 0
? _cual in _ret : goto "Coloca2"

_ret = _ret + [_cual]
_ord = _ord + 1
_quedan = _quedan - 1
? _quedan > 0 : goto "Coloca2"

;--- Placing units in the selected positions of each selected building
{_pp = _pp + [_posiciones select _x]} foreach _ret
_posiciones = _pp
_MaxPos = count _posiciones

_MaxPos = _MaxPos - 1
? _MaxPos < 0 : goto "loop"
_pos = _posiciones select _MaxPos
_cual = random(count _unidades)
_tipoMan = _unidades select _cual
_man = _tipoMan createunit [_pos, group general]
_sol = units (group general) select 1
[general] joinsilent grpnull
? random(100) > 50 : _sol setunitpos "middle"
? (position _sol) select 2 < 10 : goto "coloca5"
[_sol] joinsilent grpnull
deletevehicle _sol
_man = _francotirador createunit [_pos, group general]
_sol = units (group general) select 1
_sol setskill 1

_sol setPos _pos
_sol move _pos
_sol setdir (random 360)
goto "Coloca4"


Any help would be great guys!

