like all good ideas, its back to the forums we go. LOL, lol, lol.
Odin, couldn't get it to work. I got the addaction and the animation, but when the East entered my trap nothing. At least as far as I could tell.
In the "rovingflare.sqf", I replaced the (playername) with the name of my player. That got me as far as the addaction and animation.
This is the sqf as I have it minus the opening remarks:
_caller = _this select 1;
//id = _this select 2; // action param
if (_caller != player) exitWith {};
// delete previously placed flare
deleteVehicle trgz;
_caller removeAction deployFlare;
defuse_obj removeAction UndeployFlare;
deleteMarker idflare;
deleteVehicle tresflare1;
deleteVehicle defuse_obj;
// begin creating new flare
idflare = format["%1TripFlare",(p1)];
sleep 0.1;
titleText ["Setting TripFlare...", "Plain Down"];
//titleRsc["ProgressBar", "plain"];
_d = direction _caller + 90;
tresflare1 = "AAPL093" Createvehicle position _caller;
tresflare1 setDir _d;
tresflare1 setPosASL [ (getPosASL _caller select 0) + 0.199, (getPosASL _caller select 1) - 0.199, getPosASL _caller select 2];
_pos = position tresflare1;
_plrTag = format["%1's TripFlare",(p1)];
flaremarker = createMarker [idflare, _pos];
flaremarker setMarkerShape "ICON";
flaremarker setMarkerType "Marker";
flaremarker setMarkerColor "ColorRedAlpha";
flaremarker setMarkerText _plrTag;
flaremarker setMarkerSize [0.5, 0.5];
flaremarker setMarkerDir 45;
sleep 0.001;
defuse_obj = "weaponholder" Createvehicle getmarkerpos flaremarker;
defuse_obj addMagazineCargo ["500Rnd_TwinVickers",1];
defuse_obj setDir _d;
defuse_obj setPos [ (getmarkerpos flaremarker select 0) + 0.001, (getmarkerpos flaremarker select 1) - 0.001, getmarkerpos flaremarker select 2];
_caller playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic";
sleep 3.0;
WaitUntil {animationState _caller != "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"};
sleep 0.1;
// Trigger ====>
sleep 0.001;
trgz = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos tresflare1];
trgz setTriggerArea[30,30,0,true];
trgz setTriggerActivation["EAST","PRESENT",false];
trgz setTriggerStatements["this", "execVM "flare.sqf"", ""];
trgz setTriggerType "NONE";
publicvariable "trgz";
sleep 0.8;
titleText ["TripFlare deployed...", "Plain Down"];
sleep 1;
//deployFlare = player addAction ["Deploy TripFlare", "rovingFlare.sqf",[],-1, false, false, ""];
UndeployFlare = defuse_obj addAction ["Defuse TripFlare", "defuseflare.sqf"];
On another note concernig the actual trigger. I'm going to try to make it "Rectangular", with a=30, b=1. Place it so one end is about 5m from :"player", running along the direction the "player" is facing. Will also be onetime use set off by anyone.
Again, its so close I can taste it. but this time it will be better. Like before it was "cake", but now it's "German Chacolate Cake". OH YEAH!