What you suggest is a lot of work.
Example: Mercalillo has the main roads going in a T-junction through the hamlet.
Now it is filled with civilians with just one statement.
If one likes to keep the main roads clear you need three statements:
one above the T; one left of the T; one right of the T.
Something for version 1.1
It is also a pity that in ArmA the civilian AI prefers to walk the exact middle of the road.
More natural behaviour would be to walk on the side of a road. Even when one walks on a vehicle dirt track you don't walk exactly in the middle.
Another interesting issue is better multiplayer behaviour:Now each human player has it's own "bubble" of civilians around him.
Works to some extend well with only a few human players, but doesn't work nicely with a lot of human players.
A solution might be to give each location where one creates civilians also a unique boolean variable (true/false) which is global to all human players.
If the creation of civilians in location X is already triggered by human player A the boolean for that location is put on 'true'.
If another player, let's say player B get nears location X, the creation of civilians is not triggered, because the location boolean, is on 'true', meaning: another human player has already triggered the creation of civilians for that location.