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Author Topic: What can't be done with OFP engine limits  (Read 5255 times)

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What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« on: 01 Nov 2002, 19:58:24 »
Here's the list of thing which can't be done with OFP engine:
1. !!! ANIMALS !!!
2. Armoured wheeled vehicles
3. Missiles which will be fired from cars (not tanks) and boats
4. Multiple firing points on vehicles
P.S. If you have something to add to the list please post here.
P.P.S. I hope this topic will become sticky.


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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #1 on: 01 Nov 2002, 20:31:05 »
5: Pixies

Ranger Bob

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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #2 on: 01 Nov 2002, 21:06:40 »
I  always thought you could mke armoured Vehicles.


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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #3 on: 01 Nov 2002, 23:48:32 »
Wrong! Animals can be done, but they aren't going to be "alive" in the game like humans and they wouldn't be able to move around freely.  But any fool with the talent to model a car or person can surely model an animal for background scenery purposes.  Make a few basic rtm animations with the new animation editing ability and voila, youv'e got an animal that is mostly static but appears alive.  It'd be funny to shoot it though and watch it blow up and smoke like an object though wouldn't it?


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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #4 on: 02 Nov 2002, 01:06:37 »
depending on what you mean you can make an armored whelled vehicle...BRDM for example.


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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #5 on: 02 Nov 2002, 01:48:57 »
The Wheels on the M113 Move! (in V. 1.85 Any way)

Ferret Fangs

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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #6 on: 02 Nov 2002, 06:17:03 »
6.) The Death Star

7.) Edible panties
8.) Godzilla

9.) Nuclear powered parachutes
and last but certainly not least,


10.) My WIFE!


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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #7 on: 02 Nov 2002, 08:56:27 »
theres nothing stopping you making an armoured wheeled vehicle, it just then comes under the limits of the car simulation

captain caffeine

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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #8 on: 02 Nov 2002, 22:50:22 »
 Shells fired from big guns will not travel full length of islands
Disappear after a cetain distance


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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #9 on: 02 Nov 2002, 23:12:43 »
Trenches, Flying Monkeys, Ompa Loompas, Submarines, Sub Sandwiches, Teleporters, TacLights, Jumping, Dead Enemy Soldiers!, Harrriers (but this might Change soon), BHD Missions, and Many Many More...  :D


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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #10 on: 03 Nov 2002, 00:36:32 »
Mexican Pornstars with big bellies and moustaches.


P.S. Been a while since i've been around these here parts.........BECAUSE I WAS IN A BUS CRASH MAN YAAAAAAAAARS


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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #11 on: 03 Nov 2002, 06:16:25 »
Punker you can actually make most of those things... I can teleport guys... AN Ompa Loompa would be cool. Submarine has already been done and same with trenches... But i think we need Ompa Loompas and the big chocolate factory.... Ompa Loompa dupade Do....machine gun fire..... as of 0500 hours, your chocolate factory was taken over by Soviet Forces... You must move in and save all the remaining Ompa Loompas.  :) :) :) ;D


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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #12 on: 03 Nov 2002, 06:19:14 »
soldiers swimming on the surface or the water not running on the botton, jumping, a good flight model. aircraft that dont travel faster than the designated top speed (choppers moving to fast) vehicles that dont linger in the air to much.
strait firing bullets?

Ferret Fangs

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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #13 on: 03 Nov 2002, 07:54:12 »
Llama's ;D
You guys are just Oompa Loompa Fricken nuts. Flying Monkeys... now that is cool.
I wonder how many things that are impossible wth OFP's engine, ARE possible in VBS1?
Just wondering...


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Re:What can't be done with OFP engine limits
« Reply #14 on: 03 Nov 2002, 15:20:04 »
theres nothing stopping you making an armoured wheeled vehicle, it just then comes under the limits of the car simulation
It armoured wheeled vehicles wheels won't turn.