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Offline NightJay0044

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Mission Creating VS Knowledge
« on: 24 Oct 2008, 08:11:49 »
HI all this is just a discussion for anyone whom has the same related effects on their mission creating.

Sometimes when I create a mission or try to think of a mission, how much I know in the mission editor hinders my story creating. Anybody ever have this problem, where you feel you can't create a mission you want because you feel you wont know how to solve it in the mission editor or create it in there?

I know I do. 

Example: You want to;
"Parashoot an enemy group of soldiers in your mission into an area of the friendly guys but you have no clue how to script or make the paradrop in the editor.

basically: Editing Skills interfer with story creating...

Thanks, just a little topic here.   :D
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Re: Mission Creating VS Knowledge
« Reply #1 on: 24 Oct 2008, 08:29:36 »


  I end up compromising ideas to accommodate my editing skills all the time.  For instance my trigonometry is terrible and combining that with my very limited scripting skills I have a heck of a time placing units in a specific proximity of the player. 

  An example of this is the first I-44 campaign mission.  As you travel to your destination it seems that enemy groups spawn and close in on your position, but not exactly on top of you like a "domove getpos player" command.  So I just slap down multiple triggers that the player hopefully intersects. 

  Sometimes I wonder how efficient my missions are in editor resources.  I am sure more scripting and such would cut back on all the grouped triggers and units all over the map waiting around. 

  I also have terrible cutscenes because the camera scripting and adding text etc. gets all screwy when I try it. 


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Re: Mission Creating VS Knowledge
« Reply #2 on: 29 Oct 2008, 16:10:51 »
I use to allow my inexperience to compromise my storytelling. But now I know, that there is a community of guys just like me who are willing to help me figure it out. And if I am just too ignorant to do that, I inform them of what I am trying to accomplish with all details and they do it for me. Thats By the community For the community and there is no other community out there like the BIS community. The only limitation for me now are engine restrictions and as I slowly learn them, I am able to find creative ways of working around them. So, just write the masterpeice as it comes to you. Worry about the limitations as they happen.