there is no script needed. All you need is a file named Description.ext
respawn = "Group";
respawnDelay = 0;
also, the yomies spawn from a trigger.
I'm little confused with this description.ext
"group" string is name of leader of group and how do you describe its location of spawning?
Wait, I think you don't really understand my explaining. I'll try my best explaining.
I just want an area, could be trigger or marker and an unit (with conditions such as player, East, West, Racs, Civilians, and specified name, etc. would be nice) enters it, an area spawns a copy of existing group in the area.
For an example I made group 3 rifleman, 1 fire team leader, 1 Squad Leader, and 2 machine gunners and hidden from map. So every time any specified unit enters the area that its job is spawn a create full copy of group and move them in the area AND order them to 'search and destroy'. around the _ meters diameter of area.
P.S. NO player or playables in THAT group, fully AI.
I hope you understand this part.
And I guess Yomies' script work that way too except they used markers and they come in with customizable options such as [60,'C','R','INFINITE'] 60 means amount of zombies, C means Civilian, R means Resistance, and INFINITE means there's no limit of respawns but only spawn when player reenters the marker.