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Author Topic: How to make these triggers?  (Read 1133 times)

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Offline Lukito

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How to make these triggers?
« on: 25 Sep 2008, 16:31:14 »
1. I want the trigger activation after killed enemy in the area or shoot..... ? Becouse making the trigger activated by blufor and detected by east everytime i reach area alarm is starting to play and russians are going for hunting even if they didn't saw me.

2. How to make end mission trigger which activates only then all waypoints done and alive player reaches area? maybe thats posible with waypoint... I can't solve this problem.

so people  :) could you help me?  :dunno:

Offline epsilonsun

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Re: How to make these triggers?
« Reply #1 on: 26 Sep 2008, 11:07:41 »
hi there,

ehh, you may try this,but my pc havent got arma in it,so ,I not sure If iy can use or not.

first trigger.

make a trigger,named Trigger1 and edit a .sqs file.

like this;

If you are the west.

_old = east count units list trigger1


_new = east count units list trigger1

? (_old = _new) : goto "check"

? (_old < _new) : anything script what you want do;goto "exit";

goto "check"

and make sure _old is above #check
ok,guy I gotta go cya later and answer you follow.

good luck mate.

Offline Trapper

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Re: How to make these triggers?
« Reply #2 on: 26 Sep 2008, 12:26:24 »
1. "Activation -> BLUFOR" and "Detected by OPFOR" is a reliable source for detecting the moment when the AI does see any foe the first time.
ArmA AI is very well aware of it's surroundings, so I'm pretty sure they did see you or someone else because your approach wasn't careful enough.

Using a script with a high knowsabout value instead of the trigger could delay the alram sound triggering but the ai groups would already be engaging as early like before.

Reducing the enemy skill to 0 should affect their spotting range, though it's influenced by every player's personal difficulty setting and and that why isn't precise.

That's possible by adding a global variable to the last waypoint "On Activation -> wps = true" and creating an end trigger without a radius, activation by nobody and "Condition -> w1 && alive player"

You should know that guiding and meassuring the players progress by waypoints in a mission is inadvisable. Many players do disable waypoint infos in their HUD difficulty so they'll only see them when using tanks or choppers and won't reach them exactly as infantry. When your briefing is imprecise and it does have to rely on waypoints then it's a bad one.
The better way is to guide the player by a good briefing (and maybe some on screen messages) only and meassuring his progress by triggers or scripts with global variables. Then you do combine all these global variables the way you need them in your end trigger(s).
Have a look at the COMREF for all scripting commands available.

Offline desrat

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Re: How to make these triggers?
« Reply #3 on: 28 Sep 2008, 22:57:15 »
1. I want the trigger activation after killed enemy in the area or shoot..... ?

Name the unit you want to cause the trigger to run (something like Assassin1) and then create a trigger with radius 0 and 0 (it will check the whole mission area then) in the condition put "not alive Assassin1" and the the on Act to do whatever it is you want..

2. How to make end mission trigger which activates only then all waypoints done and alive player reaches area? maybe thats posible with waypoint... I can't solve this problem.

You'd have to be more specific on what your waypoints are before I could offer help here