My best bet would be a rather complicated one, especially if tried in MP (ask someone else about that - or more precisely, post in the appropriate forum), but it'd basically involve adding a host of "killed" eventhandlers on all units within a certain area who could potentially be slain by the parafrag, which would then add to your score (only important for MP) or rating (only really important for SP).
Here's the question: do you want the rating/score to be as complicated as default ArmA does it, or are you happy with just an approximation? Because the rating you get from say killing a soldier depends on for instance the rank of the soldier - and I might be wrong but I also think the "type" of the soldier is important (more rating for AT guys, machinegunners etc.). Rating is also used by the engine to determine how dangerous someone is, so. Same with score - you get more score for killing a BMP than killing a 5ton truck, and so on. To really make it work the same you'd need to figure out all these different combinations.
But since we're talking an eyeless faceless blind weapon of mass destruction here, I'd say getting an approximate score/rating added from those you "kill" should be enough, no?
I'd say something like this should work:
Create a dynamic trigger in the beginning of the script:
//_pos = the general center of the blasts
_trig = createtrigger ["EmptyDetector", _pos];
//_areax, _areay = the size of the blast, once again in general
_trig setTriggerArea [_areax, _areay, 0, false];
//_side = whatever side the enemy is on. You can use something like Mandoble's side-checking function to figure out, dynamically, who the player's enemies are. However you can also use "ANY" to add eventhandlers to everyone - potentially making friendly units detract points etc.
_trig settriggerActivation [_side, "PRESENT", false];
Now, sleep a second or so to let the trigger collect all the information it needs - generally the time it'd take for the bombs to hit the ground anyway should be enough, so don't worry too much about it. You do need to have a short wait inbetween creating _trig and using list _trig to get its information! Which is what we'll do next:
sleep 1;
_allunits = list _trig;
_EHList = [];
{_EH = _x addeventhandler ["killed", {Player addrating 100}]; _EHList = _EhList + [_EH]} forEach _allUnits;
Now, what I'm doing above is untested but should work: basically each unit is added a "killed" eventhandler (currently just adding 100 to the player's rating), and the eventhandler ID (just a number) is added to an array, which will later be used to remove the unnecessary "killed" eventhandlers.
//boom baam explode, people getting killed and eventhandlers getting run.
//Now we remove the eventhandlers gotten from the list above
_i= count (_allunits);
_j = 0;
while {_i < _j} do
private ["_unitList", "_unit", "_handler"];
_unitList = _allUnits;
_unit = _unitList select _j;
_handler = _EHList select _j;
_unit removeEventHandler ["killed", _handler];
_j = _j + 1;
sleep 0.02;
And now, hopefully, all the units who were in the area at the time have had their temporary eventhandlers removed - so if they escaped, you won't magically get twice the amount of rating for killing them again.
As noted, none of this has been tested in SP or MP, so take it with a grain of salt. Should work though. Might be a better way to remove the eventhandlers too, but I'm too lazy to go Also, to make proper "friendly fire negative score" and so on work, you'll probably need to create a separate script for the eventhandler (instead of just {Player addrating 100}), but that's another discussion alltogether.
Good luck!
Wolfrug out.