OK, so I split the group! However now....a bit later in the script, I want to split the members in the two groups down to individual groups. Here's the script I have called by the leader of one of the split groups.
private ["_Ldr","_grp","_numg","_v","_split_grp_pool","_man","_temp","_Iog0","_Iog1","_Iog2","_Iog3","_Iog4","_Iog5","_Iog6"];
_Ldr = _this select 0;
_grp = units _Ldr;
_numg = count _grp;
_split_grp_pool = [_Iog0,_Iog1,_Iog2,_Iog3,_Iog4,_Iog5,_Iog6];
// The loop used to pluck units out of _grp and put them into individual groups from the _split_grp_pool variable
for [{ _v = _numg - 1}, {_v >= _numg}, {_v = _v - 1}] do
_temp = [_grp select _v];
_temp join grpNull;
_split_grp_pool select _v = group _man;
[_grp,_numg,_split_grp_pool select 2];
and here is the error...
Error in expression <join grpNull;
_split_grp_pool select _v = group _man;
Error position: <= group _man;
Error Missing ;
a missing ;?...beats me.