Hi all,
In a MP mission I have a short trigger chain to make a MI17 take off and carry the players to an insertion point.
I have now been told that on a Dedicated server, the MI17 doesn't move away from the initial waypoint, it just starts and then hoovers in the air.
In the mission you can choose between two different routes, therefore the two radio triggers.
The solution for the MI17 insertion is:
Radio Alpha trigger, On Activation: helogonorth = true; PublicVariable "helogonorth"
Radio Bravo trigger, On Activation: helogosouth = true; PublicVariable "helogosouth"
One SWITCH trigger (synchronized with waypoint) has Condition: helogonorth
One SWITCH trigger (synchronized with waypoint) has Condition: helogosouth
Very simple and the history is this:
If I only had the radio triggers directly as SWITCHES, the MI17 would not move (just like betatesters now describe) on a Player server IF the group leader was also server. When I added the PublicVariable it worked fine, but now it doesn't work on a dedi server. Since the triggers are activated through a PublicVariable it should run on all computers and be activated regardless... right?
Do you sometimes need to make two versions of a mission to make it run on both player and dedi server?
I have no idea how to solve this ArmA riddle. Does anyone?