rofl ok.
Not sure if it works right.
//Check distance
//ADD IN A NEW GAME-LOGIC named: v_spawn
found = false;
while {!found} do
if (player distance (getMarkerPos "crash_site") <= 10) then
found = true;
//Changed this to prevent the person moving away, and back and spawning multiple helos
Sleep 5;
waitUntil {found};
_v = "UH60" createVehicle (getPos v_spawn);
_v setPos [ getPos _v select 0, getPos _v select 1, (getPos _v select 2) + 5];
_v setDammage 1;
Sleep 1;
_v setPos (getMarkerPos "crash_site_marker");
hint "You found the crash site, search the area for any survivors";
_rew = 1100 + ceil(random 750);
SPON_playerCashBalance = SPON_playerCashBalance + _rew;
player groupchat format ["You found the crash-site and were rewarded $%1. You now have $%2", _rew, SPON_playerCashBalance];
//Name 15 game logics logic1-logic15 and place them where you want the marker to randomly spawn.
//if you need more, just add them in ;)
Sleep 55;
deletevehicle _v;
hint "Crash-Site cleared.";
new_m_pos = ["logic1","logic2","logic3","logic4","logic5","logic6","logic7","logic8","logic9","logic10","logic11","logic12","logic13","logic14","logic15"];
ran_select = new_m_pos select (floor(random(count new_m_pos)));
move_m = crash_site_marker setMarkerPos (getPos ran_select);
publicvariable "new_m_pos";
publicvariable "ran_select";
publicvariable "move_m";
found = false;