playMove , setdammage and setMimic are local commands, like particle effects. You need to tell the tazed player's machine to taze him, rather than trying to do this all on the local machine, which will have no effect on remote player objects.
e.g. (all code untested)
// We want to know when someone has been tazed on every machine.
"taze" addPublicVariableEventHandler
_params = _this select 1;
_shooter = _params select 0;
_target = _params select 1;
// Ignore event if the player wasn't the one targeted.
if (_target == player) then
// <-- Tell player that he was tazed by the shooter.
// <-- Apply taze effects on player.
[] spawn // Must spawn, since you can't sleep/waitUntil inside an event handler.
// <-- Wait until tazing stops, then remove paralysis.
taze = [player, _target];
publicVariable "taze";
Remember that using addPublicVariableEventHandler will stop the code working on local AI (presumably what you used to get the script working in the first place), since the handler is only called on machines other than the one that performed the publicVariable.