I havent script like this,but maybe I can show you some way to work it out.
first, you make a marker,named player.
and edit a sqs script like this;
\\make a cobra with crew.
grpW1 = createGroup west;
C1 = "AH1z" createVehicle getMarkerPos"base";
C2 = "AHIZ" createVehicle getMarkerPos"base";
"SoldierWpilot" createUnit [getMarkerPos"Base",grpW1,"this moveindriver v1;this assignAsdriver v1;",1,"sergant"];
"SoldierWpilot" createUnit [getMarkerPos"Base",grpW1,"this moveingunner v1;this assignAsgunner v1;",1,"Corporal"];
"SoldierWpilot" createUnit [getMarkerPos"Base",grpW1,"this moveindriver v2;this assignAsdriver v2;",1,"Corporal"];
"SoldierWpilot" createUnit [getMarkerPos"Base",grpW1,"this moveingunner v2;this assignAsgunner v2;",1,"Corporal"];
ok,we got cobras with pilot,how to command them?
make a marker in your editor map,named "playerPos". :to local your position,you can put it anywhere.
write a sqs script named attack.sqs
add a trigger activation Radio alpha
On act: []exec "attact.sqs";hint "Copy that,Cobras taking off"
\\Local your position.
PlayerPos SetmarkerPos (getpos player);
Grpw1 addwaypoint[getmarkerpos"playerPos",0];
[Grpw1,1] setwaypointtype"SAD";
hint "attacking!"
\\set air support last. eg. 60 secs
\\choopers back to base.
Grpw1 addwaypoint[getmarkerpos"base",0];
[Grpw1,1] setwaypointtype"unload";
\\you need put a marker named base2 or anything you like.
v1 land "base"
v2 land "base2"
hint "Mission complete,Over"
put repair truck,refuel truck ammo truck near the base.add a waypoint support radius 50m
if you like when choppers down,respawn.
add a trigger.
condition : count crew v1 < 1 and count crew v2 < 1;
On act: []exec "cobra.sqs";hint "Mayday,Mayday,we are going down! AAHhhhhhhh....Booommzzz"
I make it in my company,and no arma to try it
if any questions you can pm;
or msn (Im not alway online,but if you really need help mail me)
If you need onmapclick verion mail plz;
boss is coming;