Well, triggers only pick up vehicles, but you can still use a trigger for this. Name a trigger, "devastation". To check if there are greater than 5 ruined buildings within 200m of the trigger:
(count nearestObjects [getPos devastation, ["Ruins"], 200]) > 5
Note that this will include any ruins that are already placed at the start of the mission, for example those in Corazol.
If you want lower cpu load (e.g. if you need to check a lot of buildings or a very large area), you could add KILLED handlers to all the buildings in a given area with each handler adding 1 to a count of destroyed buildings and if the count is too large at that point, it could run a handler function:
// [getPos devastationLogic, 1000, 5, { player sideChat "Devastation!" }] execVM "devastation.sqf";
_centre = _this select 0;
_radius = _this select 1;
ruinsMax = _this select 2; // Buildings destroyed for handler to fire.
ruinsHandler = _this select 3; // Function to call when too many ruins.
_buildings = nearestObjects [_centre, ["House", "FuelStation", "Church"], _radius];
ruinsCount = 0;
_x addEventHandler ["KILLED", {
ruinsCount = ruinsCount + 1;
if (ruinsCount == ruinsMax) then
call ruinsHandler;
} forEach _buildings;
EDIT: Probably best to add handler to just ["House", "FuelStation", "Church"] rather than to all ["Strategic"].