Hello there!
Its great to be back, after meny years long vacation from OFP-combat zone...
I need serious help, and here is one for you super scripters out there
Here is what i'm trying to do here:
1. The great
ai_arty_1_0 _artillery script is almost perfect, but the explosion fragments are missing! There is a fragmentation script In the attachment file, but the problem is that, i just can't make the fragment's script to work with this ai_artillery script.
You can test it when you start the mission and throw a handgrenade. It work's! But when you see the observer /artillery firing...NOTHING!!!???
The other attachment file is to show you how it should work:
B2_uusi_sirpaletesti.cain Please check it out.
2. The ai_arty's radio chatter "%1" getpos _target GridCoord -stuff is getting error. It cant find the _target.
3. Even if the ai-artillery is generic/w. camcreated rounds, it would be good to have a "Fake" artillery group, so the enemy has a possibility to destroy it. = When artygroup is destroyed, the script should exit. I could't make it work.
4. YES there is the ai_arty_UA_1_0 script/mission, that is based on the CoC artillery addon. That is allso great, but i had serous difficulty to make the fragmentation script to use/find the CoC -ordnance.
5. The ultimate thing with the working explofragments would be Huge waters plashes when the rounds hit water. Actually the water splashes could replace the fragments, to reduce lagging. To my knowledge when hitting water, the fragments would stay mostly under the surface anyway. Here is what i found... i just cant make sense of it:
http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=1408.06. How to make the each "script group" to use its own folder. I mean if you have lots of different scripts in the mission folder, it's a mess.
I've searched the forums for a month now... it's hopeless. I can't do this without help.