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Author Topic: editor update which one to use?  (Read 2107 times)

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Offline nettrucker

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editor update which one to use?
« on: 07 Aug 2008, 20:03:19 »
Hi everybody

In case this is the wrong section I've posted,  please move  . . . and my apologize.

I was wondering which of the 2 editor upgrades was best to use. :dunno:

- Lowfly's editor update 1.02

- G85 editor upgrade (don't know the author's name.)

Since I'm editing some missions I had a small accident on my way creating my campaign. I edited for some time my missions in a mod folder forgetting that every time I saved the mission I saved in the mission.sqm also the addons used. Fact is that I had both editors in my mod addon folder.
I'm fine tuning the missions at the moment and I wanted to keep the missions addon free apart from the editor upgrade. So I was wondering what was your opinion concerning the best editor upgrade to use.
I've played different user missions which used one or another and it's always a pain in the back to change every time to the right editor update required.
Therefore Your kind feedback would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
nettrucker ::)

Offline i0n0s

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Re: editor update which one to use?
« Reply #1 on: 07 Aug 2008, 20:16:03 »
- Lowfly's editor update 1.02
Is more common.

Take also a look at 6th Sense editor update because that one is only required for the mission editor and not for the player.

Offline nettrucker

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Re: editor update which one to use?
« Reply #2 on: 07 Aug 2008, 20:37:23 »
Well yeah I gonna do that. But what you mean it's only required for the editor and not for the player. If I would use the 6th sense editor upgrade when creating a mission using the editor objects the player has to have the same in his addon folder without that I'm afraid he won't be able to play the mission or am I wrong?
Does anyone kmow what are the main differences using one or another? Are objects the same? Because in that case I should delete one.
Thanks for your reply mate.
nettrucker :good:

Offline ckclaw

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Re: editor update which one to use?
« Reply #3 on: 07 Aug 2008, 21:10:29 »
i0n0s is right about the 6th sense editor!
All the 6th sense one does is make available/visable the objects what you can't see in the editor that comes as standard with Arma.
So everyone already has it-hope that made sense!  :D

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Re: editor update which one to use?
« Reply #4 on: 07 Aug 2008, 22:21:01 »
Forgive my ignorance on this matter but does not the lowfly editor offer the same? In game objects made available to the player during editor?
Also, I have experienced in the past where editors have used programs which enhance their editing only but for some reason, it still adds that pbo name to the addons list in the sqm. So, although it didnt prevent me from loading or playing the mission, it did display a missing addon error. Does this not occur with the 6th sense editors upgrade?

Offline ckclaw

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Re: editor update which one to use?
« Reply #5 on: 07 Aug 2008, 22:31:58 »
From 6th_sense wiki:-

Is this addon "compatible" to G85's Editor Update?

Yes, 1 way.
Missions made with this editor addon will work even when you don't have this editor addon installed.
But, missions made with G85's Editor Update, will not work if you don't have their addon installed.

Hope that helps!

Offline i0n0s

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Re: editor update which one to use?
« Reply #6 on: 08 Aug 2008, 00:21:42 »
Forgive my ignorance on this matter but does not the lowfly editor offer the same? In game objects made available to the player during editor?
LowFly's editor adds object to the game that aren't available before like roads, stones etc.

Offline nettrucker

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Re: editor update which one to use?
« Reply #7 on: 08 Aug 2008, 14:37:58 »
Thanks to all of you for all your feedback.
Yesterday i downloaded the sixth sense editor. I'll check it out asap that means not before the next 4 weeks because I start my holidays now.
Have a good time everybody and thanks for your feedback.
nettrucker :D

Offline schuler

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Re: editor update which one to use?
« Reply #8 on: 08 Aug 2008, 17:58:04 »
Yesterday i downloaded the sixth sense editor. I'll check it out asap that means not before the next 4 weeks because I start my holidays now

Hey nettrucker, ...... that's a mind twister there!
Have a good holiday! And give us some feedback on your check it out asap! ;)
Because we are on the subject of this I would like to have more feedback on the best editor.
Objects, Editors, I remember Mikro came out with 1.03 in OFP that blended the 2 editors that called themselves 1.02 to gather and or did the same thing as 6th sense. There was conflicts with them.  And 1.03 kinda solved that. I am just wondered if that the same as the 1.03 to 6th sence.

NOTE that I believe that Mikro updated the 1.02s of the well respected authors.

 I think someone is going to correct me on something here,,,,,,, so sorry in info/understanding is incorrect
Probably admin...........
Semper Fi

Offline nettrucker

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Re: editor update which one to use?
« Reply #9 on: 08 Aug 2008, 20:17:23 »
Hi schuler
Thanks mate. Yeah it'll take some time but I guess the 6th sense editor will be my choice since the player doesn't need to have this addon in his folder. But I'm really wondering how the hell they did it. I mean you have all objects at disposition in the editor but once the mission is done the player doesn't need to have it in his addon folder this is really awesome. Yeah I remember the editor upgrade made by Mikero for OFP.

Well for the issue of conflicts I had both editor upgrades (Lowfly's and the G85) in my mod addon folder never really experienced any conflicts. I was really wondering if all the objects were the same maybe only name and root directory change and if the objects are identically. In that case it's useless to have both upgrades in the folder.
Does somebody know if both editor upgrades are dealing with the same objects or are there also some differences. I tried to find out but I'm getting a bit confused. There's not much of a documentation to be found at least I failed to find it.
Anyway I'll report when coming back in 4 weeks and I did a little testing. I guess I have to rework quite some of the missions due to the fact that I edited some of them in my mod folder. What stupid I totally forgot to think about it.
Have a great time all.
 :D nettrucker :D
« Last Edit: 08 Aug 2008, 20:19:55 by nettrucker »

Offline schuler

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Re: editor update which one to use?
« Reply #10 on: 08 Aug 2008, 21:11:31 »
First of all thanks for not pointing out that I spelled Mikero wrong!
I am liking the 6th sense editor,  it makes it easy. Also I don't need anymore then the addons in the game, just the hidden ones and less lag. Plus looking though objects can make a guy mad,,,, not knowing what some are!
  Its not that hard to throw in a editor in the zip with your mission ,, but it is a pain to keep track of the as a player ,, with mods
 I know is not that big of a deal, but it would be nice to a Mikero type thing happening.
 Note: I have nothing to do with addons till Arma III comes out, thats all up to you guys for now.
« Last Edit: 08 Aug 2008, 21:13:46 by schuler »
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