Ok, this seems to be working version of my script :thumbsup:
Here is short description what I was doing, If anybody happens to be interested ...
This script designates an route to vehicle called Ural, depending if vehicle named bmp is destoyed or not.
If bmp is destroyed, ural picks randomly one of the three alternative routes. This Normal route is Urals waypoint route and these Alternative routes are made with GameLocig and triggers with ural domove getpos commands.
In english, if bmp in not destroyed, ural will follow it (Normal route), but if bmp is destroyed, ural will pick an other route (Alternative route)...
Activation in game:
Trigger vith East present
OnActivation: [] exec "ural_route.sqs"
_number= random 3
? ((_number mod 1) >= 0.5): _number = _number + 1
_number = _number - (_number mod 1)
TitleText [format["Normal route"],"plain"]
?!(alive bmp):goto "destroyed"
goto "loop"
?(_number >= 0 && _number < 0.9):ural domove getpos move1;TitleText [format["Alternative route 1 )",_number],"plain"]
?(_number >= 1.0 && _number < 1.9):ural domove getpos move2;TitleText [format["Alternative route 2 )",_number],"plain"]
?(_number >= 2.0 && _number < 3):ural domove getpos move5;TitleText [format["Alternative route 3 )",_number],"plain"]
If ýou like see how it works , I can send you an mission by email...
Thanks guys for helping me with this, especially you Black_Feather :wave: