Hi guys,
I'll start by saying the whole MP / locality thing I have never managed to understand ......
I have a plane, that is using lethals FX scripts, that have been modified to be more useful.
The FX are called from INIT event like this;
_script1 set [0, _veh execVM "\myplane\scr\plane_Afterburner.sqf"];
not that thats likely to matter much.
The FX script themselves loop like this;
while {(alive _plane) and (_this animationPhase "KillFx" == 0)} do {
sleep 0.05;
Theres an animation available (KillFx) to terminate the FX script, just in case a user doesn't want it.
NOW .... my wants;
1) I want to NOT start the scripts if the unit was created on the server (unit is local to the server, right?)
2) Is it possible to start the FX scripts on a client machine (so client can see them) if the unit was created on the server?
BTW, if the FX are these types of objects;
_leftengine = "#particlesource" createVehicle position _this;
and was local to the server, is it likely the clients can see it also?
I've not MP tested obviously, but there are reports these script (maybe different revision) causes MP lag.
(Maybe, maybe all it needs is modification so the scripts only run on the server OR the client, not potentially all machines)