Guys thanks a lot!!!
I wasn't expecting so much responses is such little time! This is awesome!
Well I found a "easy" way of what I was looking, just using a trigger which activates when a civilian is in the trigger zone.
1- grup1 being res with a waypoint stating never fire and careless mode
2- grup2 being West with a waypoint stating never fire and careless mode
3- civillian with a move waypoint to the trigger zone
4- Trigger on activation: group1 setBehaviour "combat";group2 setBehaviour "combat";group1 setCombatMode "RED";group2 setCombatMode "RED" when civilian present. After that the civilian will join the res group so I can kill him (Still not written nor tested)
lol quite simple =D
Just one thing, I don't want them all to go prone =/ I remember there was a single command that made them stop going prone, can't remember it.
Again guys thanks a lot!