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Author Topic: getting to chopper  (Read 1174 times)

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Offline cosjacket

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getting to chopper
« on: 01 Jul 2008, 02:45:57 »
Hi there,

I have a chopper at a set height......i have a player on the ground who needs to walk up to say a barrel which will take him to the chopper which is hovering ..so he can halo out ,then once on the ground go back to the barrel get transported  to the chopper to do another jump..i think its a trigger with a group line...and is it a get in cargo command....am i on the right track


Offline schuler

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Re: getting to chopper
« Reply #1 on: 01 Jul 2008, 04:54:24 »
Hi mate, what on this God forsaken plant are you trying to do? Stunts? Or is the soldier in a jam.  :scratch:
‘'stuntman waypoint to barrel, place the move on the barrel, then in the waypoint put, stuntman setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 1.5] then place another waypoint right at the barrel again with GetIn, sync it to the chopers load waypoint''
             That's the best I got for that one.

You need a script for this I do believe! ,, be fun to play with though
let me tell you truly, it would be very hard to get what i just told you to do working, you would really have alot of trial and error
Cheers schuler ;)
Semper Fi

Offline Spooner

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Re: getting to chopper
« Reply #2 on: 01 Jul 2008, 11:18:13 »
I assume it is so this fellow can practice halo-diving without having to continually restart the mission. Alternatively, it might be a mission wherein the helo continually hovers at a high altitude and you can keep haloing from it when you respawn (but cosjacket says "then once on the ground go back to the barrel", which implies that it is not including a respawn). Schuler was assuming that you wanted to force AI to continually jump (he might be right, but I'll persevere), which would be a bit more complex.

If you just want to make a map so you can practice jumping, then this should cover it. It will just teleport the player whenever they are standing on the ground (at start of mission or when they land from a jump again). Saves you walking back to a barrel if you mess up the halo-jump:
Delay: TIMEOUT, 2, 2, 2 (wait a few seconds on the ground before teleporting)
Code: (trigger condition, to test when the player hits the ground) [Select]
((getPos player) select 2) <= 0.5
Code: (trigger on act, to wait a few seconds, then bounce back to the helo) [Select]
player moveInCargo myHelo

If that isn't what you wanted, then explain exactly what you want and we can work with you.
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Offline cosjacket

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Re: getting to chopper
« Reply #3 on: 01 Jul 2008, 16:10:17 »
sorry should have explained better...just a practise/training halo session...

go to trigger....(was using a barrel as a marker on the ground with trigger over the top)...this would put me in side the chopper etc ...at a good height to halo out...then once complete...back to barrel to doit all again.....but sounds better when player is on the ground...to be put back in chopper again..in case he is miles from the trigger x

how do i set it up...via triggers is this possible to do with more than 1 player ie squad training say up to 10 people x
« Last Edit: 01 Jul 2008, 16:20:48 by cosjacket »

Offline Spooner

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Re: getting to chopper
« Reply #4 on: 01 Jul 2008, 17:06:10 »
You can put the trigger anywhere and the size of it is unimportant, since it is activated by NONE anyway (that is, it isn't the type of trigger that sees who is inside it; instead, it runs a little script in the condition). It should work fine in MP with any number of players, transporting them individually when they hit the ground, but I haven't tested it. It won't do anything with AI, but as far as I'm aware, the HALO scripts don't work for AI anyway.
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