I got a problem. In my mission I am running haloscript by ManDay and Norrins revive script with JIP. But since I am starting off in a helicopter it is acting up. So the thing i want to know is where i can find JIP files to add to my mission. Is it even possible to have JIP from heli?
The way it works in norrins revive script is by using marker. Would it be possible to instead of using the marker named "base1" use a unit (heli) called heli1?
I have searched around the internet and these forums for missions/intro's scripts i can use to add JIP to my mission but without any luck. Lots of talk about it but not any helping files to just add into my mission.
Anyone got any way to help me? I would attach my mission if I could. But having problems attaching files.
© JANUARY 2008 - norrin (norrins_nook@iprimus.com.au)
_spawn_pos = _this select 0;
_name = _this select 1;
_no_respawn_points = NORRN_revive_array select 12;
_Base_1 = NORRN_revive_array select 13;
_Base_2 = NORRN_revive_array select 14;
_Base_3 = NORRN_revive_array select 15;
_Base_4 = NORRN_revive_array select 16;
if (_spawn_pos == 1 && _Base_1 != "" && !no_base_1 && !no_base_1b) then
_name setpos getMarkerPos _Base_1;
if (local _name && isplayer _name) then {titleText ["You have respawned at position 1", "PLAIN", 0.5]};
if (_spawn_pos == 1 && _Base_1 != "" && no_base_1 || _spawn_pos == 1 && _Base_1 != "" && no_base_1b) then
titletext ["This spawn point is currently occupied by enemy forces", "PLAIN", 0.3];
if (_no_respawn_points == 1) then {_dialog_1 = createDialog "respawn_button_1b";ctrlSetText [1, _Base_1];};
if (_no_respawn_points == 2) then {_dialog_1 = createDialog "respawn_button_2b";ctrlSetText [1, _Base_1];ctrlSetText [2, _Base_2];};
if (_no_respawn_points == 3) then {_dialog_1 = createDialog "respawn_button_3b";ctrlSetText [1, _Base_1];ctrlSetText [2, _Base_2];ctrlSetText [3, _Base_3];};
if (_no_respawn_points == 4) then {_dialog_1 = createDialog "respawn_button_4b";ctrlSetText [1, _Base_1];ctrlSetText [2, _Base_2];ctrlSetText [3, _Base_3];ctrlSetText [4, _Base_4];};
if (_spawn_pos == 2 && _Base_2 != "" && !no_base_2 && !no_base_2b) then
_name setpos getMarkerPos _Base_2;
if (local _name && isplayer _name) then {titleText ["You have respawned at position 2", "PLAIN", 0.5]};
if (_spawn_pos == 2 && _Base_2 != "" && no_base_2 || _spawn_pos == 2 && _Base_2 != "" && no_base_2b) then
titletext ["This spawn point is currently occupied by enemy forces", "PLAIN", 0.3];
if (_no_respawn_points == 2) then {_dialog_1 = createDialog "respawn_button_2b";ctrlSetText [1, _Base_1];ctrlSetText [2, _Base_2];};
if (_no_respawn_points == 3) then {_dialog_1 = createDialog "respawn_button_3b";ctrlSetText [1, _Base_1];ctrlSetText [2, _Base_2];ctrlSetText [3, _Base_3];};
if (_no_respawn_points == 4) then {_dialog_1 = createDialog "respawn_button_4b";ctrlSetText [1, _Base_1];ctrlSetText [2, _Base_2];ctrlSetText [3, _Base_3];ctrlSetText [4, _Base_4];};
if (_spawn_pos == 3 && _Base_3 != "" && !no_base_3 && !no_base_3b) then
_name setpos getMarkerPos _Base_3;
if (local _name && isplayer _name) then {titleText ["You have respawned at position 3", "PLAIN", 0.5]};
if (_spawn_pos == 3 && _Base_3 != "" && no_base_3 || _spawn_pos == 3 && _Base_3 != "" && no_base_3b) then
titletext ["This spawn point is currently occupied by enemy forces", "PLAIN", 0.3];
if (_spawn_pos == 4 && _Base_4 != "" && !no_base_4 && !no_base_4b) then
_name setpos getMarkerPos _Base_4;
if (local _name && isplayer _name) then {titleText ["You have respawned at position 4", "PLAIN", 0.5]};
if (_spawn_pos == 4 && _Base_4 != "" && no_base_4 || _spawn_pos == 4 && _Base_4 != "" && no_base_4b) then
titleText ["This spawn point is currently occupied by enemy forces", "PLAIN", 0.3];
if(true) exitWith {};