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Author Topic: Boomerang  (Read 7871 times)

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Offline Luke

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« on: 22 Jun 2008, 02:03:28 »
Shoutout to all those scriptors that think they can help me with this;

There is a device called the Boomerang mounted acoustic detection system.
(see here http://www.gizmag.com/go/4497/)

Thinking about scripting to when a bullet travels within "x" yards of the unit, it gives the relantice (maybe o'clock) bearing, distance on the xy plane (some trig, i.e. a2 + b2 = c2) and vertical displacement (getposasl1 select 2 - getposasl2 select 2).

Wondering, was there any way to do that? (maybe get the bullet type, use side direction and find the unit of the side it came from, maybe match the ammo to the weapon?)

Anyway sounds like an .sqf and I'm so helpless with those, I could drown in my own ignorance.

Much appreciated for ideas, helps, examples, provided scripts, etc.

Thanx to the OFPEC community as always.

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Offline Rommel92

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #1 on: 22 Jun 2008, 03:22:03 »
Done this before, however it is unrealiable due to the fact I currently do not know how to find how long the bullet has lived, which means even if you trace it back to its source, if he was standing up or moving etc, or even gravity will alter these results insanely and it simply will just miss him.

Better off having Fired eventHandlers everywhere then attempting this personally.  :P

Offline Luke

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #2 on: 22 Jun 2008, 05:24:45 »

Thought about that, and that seemed messy, plus arent EH non-MP compatable?

The bullet usually strikes w/in a second, couldnt there be a relative tolerance, i.e. look for guy on this side (maybe with this weapon), at angle + .6o?

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Offline Mandoble

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #3 on: 22 Jun 2008, 08:54:49 »
First, ArmA Event Handers work in MP.

Once a sniper's bullet is detected, Boomerang's display panel, which is located inside the vehicle, alerts soldiers through audio and visual signals that a bullet has been fired, its direction and elevation.

You can attach a "FIRED" event hander to all the soldiers or only these of sniper type. When they fire you get the direction and elevation of their primary weapon. Now you:
- Check the distance between firing unit and an array of existing Boomerang vehicles.
- If distance is < 1000 (for example), you check the direction of the weapon relative to the direction between firing unit and Boomerang vehicle.
- If the difference between these direction is less than 10 degrees and the elevation of the weapon is < 10 and > -10 degrees, for example, you may assume that the bullet has been effectively shot against the area where the boomerang device is, and now you need to publish some vars so that the boomerang device displays a bearing (not a range, only the general direction of the shot).

Offline Luke

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #4 on: 24 Jun 2008, 03:24:51 »

Once a sniper's bullet is detected, Boomerang's display panel, which is located inside the vehicle, alerts soldiers through audio and visual signals that a bullet has been fired, its direction and elevation.


It may or may not have been mentioned, but it also does give range to the nearest  ~10m.
Don't know if you get Discovery ChannelTM of Future Weapons, but this was featured in Future Weapons episode No.17, "Immediate Action," Season 2 episonde No.11, Origionally aired March 26, 2007.

However, as mentioned before all those EHs seem too messy.

Is there any other way?

Please respond, not that your imput hasn't been appreciated already.

Thanx for the feedback, as always.

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Offline Mandoble

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #5 on: 24 Jun 2008, 11:44:45 »
You may also try to detect "BulletBase" objects near the Boomerang vehicle, but you will need to do that check in a tight loop so you dont miss many bullets.

Offline Luke

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #6 on: 26 Jun 2008, 06:03:10 »

How would I do that? I'm brain dead when it comes to .sqf's.

Would the code be like:

Code: [Select]
_boomerang=_this select 0
_boomerange=_this select 1

_bullet=nearestObjects [_boomerang, ["BulletBase"], _boomerange]
_bulpos=getpos _bullet
Side _bullet== Side _boomerang: goto "loop"
?! _bullet isNull:goto "found";
goto "loop";
getdir _bullet=_buldir;
If {_buldir < 180} then {_dir=180+_buldir} else {_dir=_buldir-180};
_shooterlist=getpos _boomerang nearObjects 10000;
_shooter=_shooterlist select _x;
_shootdir=getdir _shooter;
? (_shootdir<(_buldir + 4))&&(_shootdir>(_buldir - 4)):goto "poscheck";
goto "search";
getpos _shooter= _shotpos;
_difpos=_shotpos - _bulpos;
_difpos2=_shotpos - _boompos;
_shotang=arctan (_difpos select 1)/(_difpos select 0);
_dist=sqrt((_difpos select 0 * _difpos select 0) + (_difpos select 1 * _difpos select 1));
_dist2=sqrt((_difpos2 select 0 * _difpos2 select 0) + (_difpos2 select 1 * _difpos2 select 1));
? (((_bulpos select 0) + (_dist * _shotang)) < (_shotpos select 0 + 3))&&(((_bulpos select 0) + (_dist * _shotang)) > (_shotpos select 0 - 3)):goto "solve";
goto "search";
_boompos=getpos _boomerang
_boomdir=getdir _boomerang;
_elev=_difpos2 select 2
If {_reldir>=360} the {_reldir=_reldir-360};
If {_reldir<0} the {_reldir=_reldir+360};
hint "Direction: _buldir \nRelative Direction: _reldir \nRange: _dist2 \n Elevation: _elev"

If not could one, or two, or more of you guys please look it over?

If it is like this, then could one of you guys .sqf-itize it for me?

Any help response at all would be helpful.

Thanx for any help/replies, as always.


« Last Edit: 08 Oct 2008, 23:19:28 by bedges »
Pesky Human!!
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Offline Luke

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #7 on: 15 Jul 2008, 06:40:22 »
Would putting this in .sqf make it any faster and more capable at catching bullets?

Thanx for the replies, as always.

Pesky Human!!
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Offline Spooner

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #8 on: 15 Jul 2008, 10:47:17 »
.sqf does run faster than .sqs in most cases. However, I suspect that most of the time in your script is used in the nearestObjects/nearObjects commands which you can't make any faster ;P Learning SQF is always a good idea though and could make scripting a lot easier in the long term.

In SQF, however, you can use waitUntil to make a loop that runs exactly once per frame. Sleep (SQF) and ~ (SQS) only ask the interpreter to wait for at least the amount of time and you can't absolutely guarantee that it works every frame in a loop where you wait for an approximate amount of time. That could possibly be why you are missing bullets. The other issue is the frame-rate on the PC, since if you have 60FPS then you will pick up considerably more bullets than at 10FPS! In the latter case, some bullets will have been fired and hit the target before you get to detect them!

If you are not having a lot of luck, then consider putting "FIRED" event handlers on the potential shooters and then track the locations of the bullets that appear. Although this will not be fast, it will pick up all bullets as they are fired and might even be considerably faster than running nearestObjects/nearObjects on a large area.
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Offline Trexian

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #9 on: 15 Jul 2008, 19:29:05 »
Is there some way to maybe set up an extended event handler to determine when an AI is targeting and use that to basically "warn" the script that a firing might happen?

May be more complicated than useful. :D
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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #10 on: 15 Jul 2008, 19:58:36 »
You don't need any eventhandler to check whether a unit is targeting someone, assignedTarget will do.
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Offline Luke

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #11 on: 17 Jul 2008, 01:58:49 »
Hey everybody,


Here's my blood, sweat, tears, drool, & elbow-grease under the filter of an .sqf

Code: [Select]
;Boomerang shot-finding script v0.8
;By: Luke, created 7/16/08

;The inits
_boomerang=_this select 0;
_boomerange=_this select 1;

_bullet=nearestObjects [_boomerang, ["BulletBase"], _boomerange];
waitUntil ! _bullet isNull;
_bpos=getpos _bullet;
? Side _bullet== Side _boomerang: exit;
_bdir = getdir _bullet;

_slist=getpos _boomerang nearObjects 10000;
{if {side _x in [side player, civilian]} then {_slist =_slist - [_x]}} foreach _slist;
{if {(getdir _x > _bdir +.3)or(getdir _x < _bdir -.3)} then {_slist = _slist - [_x]}}foreach _slist;
{if {((atan2 ((getpos _x select 0) / (_getpos _x select1))) > (atan2 ((bpos select 0) / (bpos select 1)) +.5))or((atan2 ((getpos _x select 0) / (_getpos _x select1))) < (atan2 ((bpos select 0) / (bpos select 1)) -.5))} then {_slist = _slist - [_x]}} forEach _slist;

;shooter found
_shooter= _slist select 0;

_spos= getpos _shooter;
_boompos=getpos _boomerang;
_boomdir=getdir _boomerang;
If {_bdir >= 180} then {_nudir = _bdir - 180} else {_nudir = _bdir +180};
_elev=(_spos select 2) - (_boompos select 2);
While {_reldir>=360} then {_reldir=_reldir-360};
while {_reldir<0} then {_reldir=_reldir+360};
_dist= sqrt((_spos select 0 - _boompos select 0)^2 + (_spos select 1 - _boompos select 1)^2);

;hint to directon, range, etc.
hint "Direction: _nudir \nRelative Direction: _reldir \nRange: _dist2 \n Elevation: _elev";
sleep 5;

Could someone spot check it for errors.

Three things:
1. I never use .sqf so i don't know how to call it, (I'm SO ashamed!!  :-[ )
2. I don't know how to get it  to loop and keep looking for bullets.
3. I do not recall what the command is, but it is something equivalent to a "set knowsabout" sort of thing,
want to add this like group _boomerang "command" _shooter 4.

Any response at all would be helpful.

Thanx for any help/replies, as always.


EDIT: Fixed a typo

EDIT2: "arctan" changed to "atan2"
« Last Edit: 17 Jul 2008, 18:29:20 by Luke »
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Offline Spooner

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #12 on: 17 Jul 2008, 09:36:25 »
1. For this script, you are best using execVM (same syntax as exec, as you would use in SQS).

Code: [Select]
;The inits
_boomerang=_this select 0;
_boomerange=_this select 1;

// Might want "alive (driver _boomerang)" or something instead, depending on how you want it to work.
while { alive _boomerang } do
    // Do everything inside here

3. You can't give people specific values of knowsAbout. Using the command reveal just gives someone knowsAbout value of 1.
Code: [Select]
(group (driver _boomerang)) reveal _shooter;

4. exit doesn't do anything in SQF. The script will just end at the end without you needing a command. If you need to finish an SQF script early, you can:
Code: [Select]
if (true) exitWith {};

5. Always use atan2 rather than atan, since it handles more cases properly (doesn't give you divide by zero errors, for example).
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Offline Barbolani

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #13 on: 17 Jul 2008, 17:31:40 »

Dont want to piss you, but IMHO In the reality, this device is completely useless...

1. Real snipers tend to move (and hide) after their shot

2. All the most exact data that this device can provide cannot give you an aprox. about the sniper's position... does the device know the windspeed and direction in the exact moment of the shot?? the altitude of the sinper??? If the shot is fired standed up or crouched, the difference is great, a bullet falls to the floor at the same velocity if you drop one or if you shoot it, so the difference is hundereds of meters.... K, can give you an aprox, but useless for an infantry counterattack...

3. ...and nobody calls arty to kill a sniper....

I repeat, dont want to dissapoint nobody and I donno if this is the good place to write this... If someone gets angry, Ill invite him to have a drink talking about modern waponary...

Offline Luke

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Re: Boomerang
« Reply #14 on: 17 Jul 2008, 18:17:04 »


Nah, I'm fine.  :D

Reponse to each of the respective quotes in  order:

First, it is not completely useless, it's not even mostly useless (shoutout), knowing the relative direction can give you an idea of which cover is useful:
(if you just hear the shot and hide behind a building, only to take a shot in the leg from the same guy, and try to crawl to the otherside, you're a sitting duck.  :no: )

1. The time it takes for him to get up and move is enough for you to react, and if he's moving while standing up, you'll likely see him and which way he's going.

2. Did you look at the link?  The shockwave from the bullet's occluded sound front traveling by is picked up in a particular order by the microphones that a computer sorts out to get the direction, then it times between that sound front and the actual crack of the rifle, tables them out to get a distance, uses the same series of mics to get the sounds direction and basically draws a virtual line from the bullet to the target.  As for windspeed, etc. IDK but this is ARMA so we don't have to worry about that changing bullet trajectory.

Infantry counterattack, with this you now know where the sniper is, and I planned on having a koulesvleto thingamabob light up the shooter and use the command reveal (thanx Spooner  :good: ) to 'show' the AI where the sniper is.

3. Maybe not arty, but a Mando Airstrike (plug)  could help. (plus, that won't matter if your a good shot.)

Look at my profile, I'm 17, no drinks for me (unless you got rootbeer :D ).


Modern? When I see this on the Discovery Channel on a show titled "FutureWeapons" (under the episode "Immediate Action") my thought is that this would be a pretty modern piece of equipment.

Anyway, I don't want my response to make YOU mad so...

I apologise if this defense seemed harsh, I just attempt to the best of my ability to defend my projects, especially since this is my first 'serious' project.

However, your criticism is duely noted, and for all I know this could flop.

At any rate,

Thanx for the replies, as always.


EDIT: @ Spooner,
You seem knowledgeble,  :D
whether I use cut text or hint, it always shows:
"Direction: _nudir
Relative Direction: _reldir
Range: _dist2
Elevation: _elev"

(i.e. it displays the names and not the values).
Can you help?

Thanx for the replies, as always
« Last Edit: 18 Jul 2008, 20:30:34 by bedges »
Pesky Human!!
Wort Wort Wort.